I've finally manged to produce my custom \bibliographystyle (.bst) file. Below is the output (sample) of listed references. Is it possible to remove the comma after the last author (just before the year)? I would also like to get rid of "Literatura" title that is assigned as well. Any help appreciated.
Abbiati, M., Bianchi, C. N., Castelli, A., 1987. Polychaete vertical zonation along a
littoral cliff in the western Mediterranean. Marine ecology, 8(1): 33–48.
Antoniadou, C., Nicolaidou, A., Chintiroglou, C., 2004. Polychaetes associated with
the sciaphilic alga community in the northern Aegena Sea: spatial and temporal
variability. Helgoland Marine Research, 58: 168–182.