I wonder if there is any automatic approach to detect hanging text all throughout the 200-page thesis, mostly due to hyphenation issues. Consider the output below, there is like a subtle hanging text (yellow), which I think would be a very tedious task in a thesis last-minute situation to check and to look for such irksome typesetting flukes. The same issue will pop up each time you do some text edit, and will continue to be bothersome if you seek a perfect right-margin-typesetting text, it is like a moving target. I wonder where in the log file, one can read hints pointing out to these lines? or may be a package to detect them?
In summary, IL-17 can be produced by innate and adaptive cells, but more profoundly from innate sentinel cells of the immune system.
The nTh17 is a novel subset that is thymic-\hspace{0pt}dependent and shows a distinct developmental pathway from iTh17 cells that are derived from naive T cells.
In summary, IL-17 can be produced by innate and adaptive cells, but more profoundly from innate sentinel cells of the immune system.
The nTh17 is a novel subset that is thymic"-dependent and shows a distinct developmental pathway from iTh17 cells that are derived from naive T cells.
What is the shorthand equivalent to writing thymic-\hspace{0pt}dependent
in LaTeX? or is there any way to set this kind of hyphenation globally for all already hyphenated words?
overfull box
es in the log file.Overfull \hbox (0.11844pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 2819--2837
, I checked these lines and were very acceptable, is there any threshold no. above which it is worth checking in PDF?, besides, I guess it is impractical, I got many of theseoverfull
mesges, but fine with them, some belong to tables, or other floats but not text."-
for an explicit hyphen that allows hyphenation or you can use-\hspace{0pt}dependent
which will also allow hyphenation