I want to create a tufte-book
style ToC, very similar to how Gonzalo Medina made something in this request: Pretty Table of Contents
So far this is what I got:
contents={\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\path [fill=col2] (-0.5\paperwidth,5) rectangle (0.5\paperwidth,10);
\textcolor{white}{\bigsf Reader analyse} \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay]
above,#1,yscale=-1,scope fading=south,opacity=0.3]{#2};}
\nodeshadowed [at={(4.5,-.5 )},yslant=-.08]
{\Huge \textcolor{blue}{R}};
I wish the chapter numbers were here
\end{minipage} \hspace{15pt}
\end{minipage} \hspace{-10pt}
I wish the chapter titles were here
Any way of achieving the same effect as the example below, but instead in article
\par\protect\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,baseline]
\protect\node [anchor=base] (s\thechapmark) {};%
\protect\draw[mycolor,line width=3pt]
let \protect\p3= (s\thechapmark),%
\protect\p4 = (current page text area.south) in %
( $ (0em,\protect\y3) + (-20pt,-5ex) $ ) --
( $ (0em,\protect\y4) + (-20pt,-5pt) $ );
\par\protect\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,baseline]
\protect\node [anchor=base] (e\thechapmark) {};
\protect\draw[mycolor,line width=3pt]
let \protect\p1= (s\thechapmark),
\protect\p2=(e\thechapmark) in %
( $ (0em,\protect\y1) + (-20pt,-5ex) $ ) --
( $ (0em,\protect\y2) + (-20pt,2ex) $ );
\protect\draw[mycolor,line width=3pt]
let \protect\p1= (e\thechapmark),
\protect\p2=(current page text area.north) in
( $ (0em,\protect\y2) + (-20pt,5pt) $ ) --
( $ (0em,\protect\y1) + (-20pt,2ex) $ );
\setcounter{page}{123}% just for the example
\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX\ again}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX\ again}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
class. I'm looking to mimic the exact same thing, but for classarticle
instead. I tried handling the\section
command the same as how you recoded\chapter
in conjunction with your chapterMark
s, but I can't even come close to the same result.:-(
. Is it something like that waht you are trying to achieve?