I have the following table (using booktabs):

& \multicolumn{4}{c}{Lags}\\[\defaultaddspace]
 & 5 & 10 & 15  & 20 \\[\defaultaddspace]
 EUR/USD &  &  &  &  \\[\defaultaddspace]
 Ljung-Box-Test & 0,4936 & 0,7841 & 0,8457 & 0,8822 \\

which results in the following table:

Result of above code

I would like to establish some hierarchy by indenting the "Ljung-Box-Test" text within the first column (I will be adding more currency pairs / categories below).

Any help would be much appreciated!


3 Answers 3


You can add the indent to all the cells in the first column (that should be left aligned) and remove the indent when you want it to:




& \multicolumn{4}{c}{Lags}\\
 & 5 & 10 & 15  & 20 \\
\rowgroup{EUR/USD} \\
Ljung-Box-Test & 0,4936 & 0,7841 & 0,8457 & 0,8822 \\
Foo-Test & 0,4936 & 0,7841 & 0,8457 & 0,8822 \\
Foo-Box-Test & 0,4936 & 0,7841 & 0,8457 & 0,8822 \\
\rowgroup{USD/EUR} \\
Ljung-Box-Test & 0,4936 & 0,7841 & 0,8457 & 0,8822 \\
Foo-Test & 0,4936 & 0,7841 & 0,8457 & 0,8822 \\
Foo-Box-Test & 0,4936 & 0,7841 & 0,8457 & 0,8822 \\

enter image description here


It's not really clean, but I added a blank column on the left, I aligned the second column (with Ljung-Box-Test) right, and for the EUR/USD it's a multicolumn, aligned left...

Here is the code :

        & &\multicolumn{4}{c}{Lags}\\[\defaultaddspace]
         & & 5 & 10 & 15  & 20 \\[\defaultaddspace]
         \multicolumn{2}{l}{EUR/USD} &  &  &  &  \\[\defaultaddspace]
         & Ljung-Box-Test & 0,4936 & 0,7841 & 0,8457 & 0,8822 \\

And it produces this : My solution

I hope this fits your wishes...


In my opinion, there is a simpler way by using \hspace function, like \hspace{5mm}. More info in How do I indent text within a tabular environment?

Using \rowgroup is problematic with the tabular package, because you cannot use some functions like \resizebox{}.


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