I'm preparing a beamer
presentation to show some basic TikZ
stuff. I would like to have a two columns slide, where on the left I have the TikZ figure, and on the right the generating code. BUT, I also want the code to be uncovered set by step, that is, whenever a feature of the figure is uncovered, I want the corresponding piece of code to be uncovered.
Something like:
\draw<1-> (-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0);
\draw<2-> (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5);
\draw (-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0);
\draw (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5);
The problem is that I couldn't neither manage to use the uncover
inside the verbatim
nor use the verbatim
inside an uncover
What is the right practice?