I can´t believe it.
I was looking and reading... the multiple examples in page 23 in pstricks-add-doc.pdf and I can´t reach what I want. Even copying and pasting any examples of the PDF
I know how to put the the brace pointing UP.
But I try, and try, and I have no solution.
This is a MWE
\psset{framearc=0.2, shadowcolor=black!70, shadowangle=-90, unit=1.0cm,nodesep=0.12cm}
\def\pscolhookii{\hskip 1cm}
\def\pscolhookiii{\hskip 1cm}
\begin{psmatrix}[rowsep=2.2, colsep=5.2]% defines the distance between two frames
%%%%%%%%%%% HOW TO PUT THIS BRACE POINTING UP %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%
\psbrace(-2.1,-0.8)(2.1,-0.8){A} %%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%
\psbrace*[ref=lb](-1,1)(1,1){I} %%% copy from the page 23. where you can see pointing UP
\caption{Esquema $(\mu , \lambda)$}\label{mucomalambda-ilustracion}