I have a two page document with three figures, A and B is small and C is big. Therefore in this document I have my text all on one page and then on the second page my three figures. To make best use of the space I have placed A and B at the top of the page (side by side) and C underneath them. However, this means that latex has labeled A as figure.1, B as figure.2 and C as figure.3 as this is the order they appear, but since my text talks about the figures in a difference order (A, C, B) this means that in my text the figure references are out of order as (Fig.1, Fig.3 and Fig.2).
Is there anyway to get latex to label the figures by the order I reference them in the text rather than the way they physically appear in the document?
I am including the figures in my text using:
\includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth, left]{Graphic}
\captionof{figure}{\scriptsize Figure A }
\label{Figure A}
before their username like @Paul