I want to implement the answer here: Can I add tikzpictures to pages included with pdfpages. But I want the tikzpicture under the included pdf pages, not over it. Is there a straightforward way to set what is drawn first?
1 Answer
As cyberSingularity mentions my original answer was wrong. I just used background
package with the idea that it adds tikzpictures to background. It does it, but not when page contents is defined by pdfpages
. Why?
Because pdfpages
package uses eso-pic
's \AddToShipoutPictureBG
command to print its composition so, pdfpages
result are also printed in background.
Therefore, a better solution could be to also use \AddToShipoutPictureBG
command for printing our tikzpicture. Something like:
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[minimum width=5cm, minimum height=5cm, font=\Huge,
circle, draw=red, ultra thick, opacity=1, fill=pink, text=red]
at (current page.center) {???};
Next detail shows that tikzpicture (red question marks and pink background) is behind included pdfpages as OP wanted.
Wrong answer
A little example with background
package. There are some other packages in CTAN which can put some background to every or selected pages: watermark, wallpaper, xwatermark, ...
contents={\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]\node[minimum width=3cm,minimum height=3cm,font=\Huge,circle,draw,ultra thick] {?};\end{tikzpicture}
@cyberSingularity You're right. I'll have to look more carefully but looks like
prints the result in background and anything else is added over it, evenwatermark
is printed overpdfpages
.– IgnasiCommented Mar 10, 2015 at 10:48 -
@cyberSingularity I think I've found a better solution. Thank you for advertising the mistake.– IgnasiCommented Mar 10, 2015 at 15:53