I have three items in a beamer slide. They appear one after the other when I press next. My problem is I want the first two items to change color when the third item appears. Please explain how to do this.
2 Answers
No need to write everything twice, you can simply use \only<>{}
to change the colour
\item \only<3>{\color{red}}1
\item \only<3>{\color{red}}2
\item 3
To address the command about dvipsnames
Since beamer
internally already loads the xcolor
package you can pass the dvipsnames
like this:
\item \only<3>{\color{Peach}}1
\item \only<3>{\color{Peach}}2
\item 3
Thanks a lot, could you please explain how to chose some other color than red? may be RGB or a list of accepted colors? I used \usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} and color Peach, but got errors ): Error: LaTeX Error: Option clash for package xcolor. Error: Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `Peach'– MLTCommented Jun 6, 2014 at 18:53
Probably there is a more elegant solution but this one works.
\item 1
\item 2
\uncover<3->{\item \textcolor{red}{1}}
\uncover<3->{\item \textcolor{blue}{2}}
\uncover<3->{\item 3}