This is not really an answer - I don't know what the problem you are having is! It is really hard to help with this sort of thing! It's very strange that you can plot them when not in the subfloat
- it implies there is no package missing for rendering graphics generally.
I thought it might be useful for me to send you some code that works for me so you can see if there is a difference in what you are doing or how you are loading the packages. Obviously replace my .eps
files with your own!
If this doesn't point you in the right direction, please change your question to include a minimal working example - i.e. something that can be compiled by someone else, as it may help someone to spot some incompatibility somewhere in your preamble.
\usepackage{graphicx} % needed for including graphics
\usepackage{caption, subfig}
\g@addto@macro\@floatboxreset\centering % automatically center floats
\subfloat[Temperature]{\label{fig:opt_nmc_t}\includegraphics[clip=true, width=0.4\textwidth, height=0.3\textheight]{figures/AoptBandB_t_RTTOV10_MoistCovVNMC_F_TH_NEW.eps}} \quad
\subfloat[Watervapour]{\label{fig:opt_nmc_q}\includegraphics[clip=true, width=0.4\textwidth, height=0.3\textheight]{figures/AoptBandB_q_RTTOV10_MoistCovVNMC_F_TH_NEW.eps}}
\caption{Some figures}
? The syntax looks OK to me. Have you checked your graphics path is defined properly? Have you got packageepstopdf
loaded? Otherwise, can you provide a complete MWE please as it would help a lot to help you!