I am writing my thesis paper in LaTeX. I wrote the title page like below. But whenever I compile the .tex file one extra blank page is added before the title page. I can't figure out why is it happening. Any help?


\documentclass[12pt, twoside, makeidx,a4paper]{report}

\usepackage {amssymb,amsmath,amsfonts}




\def\squareforqed{\hbox{${\cal Q.E.D.}$}}               %modified
\vskip 10pt}

%\leftmargin=0true cm
%\oddsidemargin=-.5true cm
%\evensidemargin=-.5true cm

\topmargin=-.5cm \leftmargin=.5true cm \oddsidemargin=0true cm
\evensidemargin=0true cm


%                   \setlength{\baselineskip}{14pt}

                 \advance \leftmargin by 18pt
%                   \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}%
%                   \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%


\newcommand{\Begin} {{\bf begin}}
\newcommand{\End}   {{\bf end}}
\newcommand{\If}    {{\bf if }}
\newcommand{\Then}  {{\bf then }}
\newcommand{\Else}  {{\bf else }}
\newcommand{\For}   {{\bf for }}
\newcommand{\To}    {{\bf to }}
\newcommand{\DownTo}    {{\bf downto }}
\newcommand{\Do}    {{\bf do }}
\newcommand{\While} {{\bf while }}
\newcommand{\Repeat}{{\bf repeat }}
\newcommand{\Until} {{\bf until}}
\newcommand{\Procedure} {{\bf Procedure }}
\newcommand{\Function} {{\bf Function }}
\newcommand{\Return} {{\bf return }}
\newcommand{\Integer} {{\bf integer}}
\newcommand{\Boolean} {{\bf Boolean}}


\newcommand{\fdeg}{$f$-degree }
\newcommand{\class}{${\cal C}$}
\newcommand{\case}[1]{\noindent{\em Case} #1: }
\newcommand{\Case}[1]{\noindent{\em Case} #1: }

\newcommand{\proof}{\noindent {\bf Proof.} \ \ }
%\newcommand{\proofend}{\begin{flushright${\cal Q.E.D.}$\end{flushright}}
%       {\hfill{${\cal Q.E.D.}$}}
%                   \ }
\newcommand{\dvgraph}{divided vertex graph}
\newcommand{\wrt}{with respect to }

\newcommand{\A}{{\cal A}}
\newcommand{\D}{{\cal D}}
\newcommand{\E}{{\cal E}}
\newcommand{\F}{{\cal F}}
\newcommand{\G}{{\cal G}}
\renewcommand{\H}{{\cal H}}
\newcommand{\I}{{\cal I}}
\renewcommand{\L}{{\cal L}}
\newcommand{\lsup}{\beta_{\rm sup}}

\newcommand{\color}[1]{\lceil (#1+2)^2/2\rceil}
\newcommand{\gcolor}{\lceil 72(g(G)+2)^2/5\rceil}


\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % without this line the Refenrence will be replaced by bibliography


\title{{\large B.Sc. Engg. Thesis}\\
\textbf{On Cover Contact Graphs}}
\author{ By \\
 Md. Taufique Hussain \\
 Student No. 0805050 \\
 Shohedul Hasan \\
 Student No. 0805060\\
{ Submitted to}\\
 {Department of Computer Science and Engineering} \\
  { in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of}\\
{ Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering}\\
%{(Preliminary version)}\\
{ Department of Computer Science and Engineering}\\
{ Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)}\\
{ Dhaka-1000}

\date{June 13, 2014}

%\input board.tex \newpage

%\input declaration.tex \newpage



\tableofcontents \newpage
\listoffigures \newpage

%\input Acknowledgement.tex \newpage

%\input Abstract.tex \newpage


%\input Chap_1.tex %introduction
%\input Chap_2.tex %preliminery
%\input Chap_3.tex %CCG of convex point sets
%\input chap4.tex %CCG of non-convex point sets
%\input Chap_5.tex %Conclusion
%\input chap6.tex
%\input publication.tex
%\input references.tex

%\input conclusion.tex

%  \printmypapers

  • Try to put \pagenumbering{arabic} after \maketitle. Wild guess in the absence of complete mwe.
    – user11232
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 12:58
  • Still same. Should I give full code?
    – taufique
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 13:01
  • 1
    Yes, you should edit your question to provide a complete document that's just big enough to illustrate the problem. Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 13:03
  • 2
    @taufique: Your MWE does not compile and it is by far not minimal ;-)
    – user31729
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 13:09
  • 1
    @taufique: This 'template' looks like if twenty people have piled on commands over a period of ten years and publish it to others ;-)
    – user31729
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 13:33

2 Answers 2


Another possible solution, with setspace and geometry packages.

A wild jumping from one \baselinestretch to another one is confusing, as well as the redefinition of that length is strongly discouraged. The titlepage was too large, therefore shipped out on the 2nd page, leaving the 1st one empty.



\usepackage {amssymb,amsmath,amsfonts}


\title{{\large B.Sc. Engg. Thesis}\\
\textbf{On Cover Contact Graphs}}
\author{ By \\
 Md. Taufique Hussain \\
 Student No. 0805050 \\
 Shohedul Hasan \\
 Student No. 0805060\\
{ Submitted to}\\
 {Department of Computer Science and Engineering} \\
  { in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of}\\
{ Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering}\\
%{(Preliminary version)}\\
{ Department of Computer Science and Engineering}\\
{ Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)}\\
{ Dhaka-1000}
\date{June 13, 2014}


\def\squareforqed{\hbox{${\cal Q.E.D.}$}}               %modified
\vskip 10pt}

%\leftmargin=0true cm
%\oddsidemargin=-.5true cm
%\evensidemargin=-.5true cm

%\topmargin=-.5cm \leftmargin=.5true cm \oddsidemargin=0true cm
%\evensidemargin=0true cm


%                   \setlength{\baselineskip}{14pt}

                 \advance \leftmargin by 18pt
%                   \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}%
%                   \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%


\newcommand{\Begin} {{\bf begin}}
\newcommand{\End}   {{\bf end}}
\newcommand{\If}    {{\bf if }}
\newcommand{\Then}  {{\bf then }}
\newcommand{\Else}  {{\bf else }}
\newcommand{\For}   {{\bf for }}
\newcommand{\To}    {{\bf to }}
\newcommand{\DownTo}    {{\bf downto }}
\newcommand{\Do}    {{\bf do }}
\newcommand{\While} {{\bf while }}
\newcommand{\Repeat}{{\bf repeat }}
\newcommand{\Until} {{\bf until}}
\newcommand{\Procedure} {{\bf Procedure }}
\newcommand{\Function} {{\bf Function }}
\newcommand{\Return} {{\bf return }}
\newcommand{\Integer} {{\bf integer}}
\newcommand{\Boolean} {{\bf Boolean}}


\newcommand{\fdeg}{$f$-degree }
\newcommand{\class}{${\cal C}$}
\newcommand{\case}[1]{\noindent{\em Case} #1: }
\newcommand{\Case}[1]{\noindent{\em Case} #1: }

\newcommand{\proof}{\noindent {\bf Proof.} \ \ }
%\newcommand{\proofend}{\begin{flushright${\cal Q.E.D.}$\end{flushright}}
%       {\hfill{${\cal Q.E.D.}$}}
%                   \ }
\newcommand{\dvgraph}{divided vertex graph}
\newcommand{\wrt}{with respect to }

\newcommand{\A}{{\cal A}}
\newcommand{\D}{{\cal D}}
\newcommand{\E}{{\cal E}}
\newcommand{\F}{{\cal F}}
\newcommand{\G}{{\cal G}}
\renewcommand{\H}{{\cal H}}
\newcommand{\I}{{\cal I}}
\renewcommand{\L}{{\cal L}}
\newcommand{\lsup}{\beta_{\rm sup}}

\newcommand{\color}[1]{\lceil (#1+2)^2/2\rceil}
\newcommand{\gcolor}{\lceil 72(g(G)+2)^2/5\rceil}


\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % without this line the Refenrence will be replaced by bibliography




\tableofcontents \newpage
\listoffigures \newpage



enter image description here

Repost of the basically unchanged original OP post

\documentclass[12pt, twoside, makeidx,a4paper]{report}

\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} % Was commented out in original post version
\usepackage {amssymb,amsmath,amsfonts}




\def\squareforqed{\hbox{${\cal Q.E.D.}$}}               %modified
\vskip 10pt}

%\leftmargin=0true cm
%\oddsidemargin=-.5true cm
%\evensidemargin=-.5true cm

\topmargin=-.5cm \leftmargin=.5true cm \oddsidemargin=0true cm
\evensidemargin=0true cm


%                   \setlength{\baselineskip}{14pt}

                 \advance \leftmargin by 18pt
%                   \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}%
%                   \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%


\newcommand{\Begin} {{\bf begin}}
\newcommand{\End}   {{\bf end}}
\newcommand{\If}    {{\bf if }}
\newcommand{\Then}  {{\bf then }}
\newcommand{\Else}  {{\bf else }}
\newcommand{\For}   {{\bf for }}
\newcommand{\To}    {{\bf to }}
\newcommand{\DownTo}    {{\bf downto }}
\newcommand{\Do}    {{\bf do }}
\newcommand{\While} {{\bf while }}
\newcommand{\Repeat}{{\bf repeat }}
\newcommand{\Until} {{\bf until}}
\newcommand{\Procedure} {{\bf Procedure }}
\newcommand{\Function} {{\bf Function }}
\newcommand{\Return} {{\bf return }}
\newcommand{\Integer} {{\bf integer}}
\newcommand{\Boolean} {{\bf Boolean}}


\newcommand{\fdeg}{$f$-degree }
\newcommand{\class}{${\cal C}$}
\newcommand{\case}[1]{\noindent{\em Case} #1: }
\newcommand{\Case}[1]{\noindent{\em Case} #1: }

\newcommand{\proof}{\noindent {\bf Proof.} \ \ }
%\newcommand{\proofend}{\begin{flushright${\cal Q.E.D.}$\end{flushright}}
%       {\hfill{${\cal Q.E.D.}$}}
%                   \ }
\newcommand{\dvgraph}{divided vertex graph}
\newcommand{\wrt}{with respect to }

\newcommand{\A}{{\cal A}}
\newcommand{\D}{{\cal D}}
\newcommand{\E}{{\cal E}}
\newcommand{\F}{{\cal F}}
\newcommand{\G}{{\cal G}}
\renewcommand{\H}{{\cal H}}
\newcommand{\I}{{\cal I}}
\renewcommand{\L}{{\cal L}}
\newcommand{\lsup}{\beta_{\rm sup}}

\newcommand{\color}[1]{\lceil (#1+2)^2/2\rceil}
\newcommand{\gcolor}{\lceil 72(g(G)+2)^2/5\rceil}


\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % without this line the Refenrence will be replaced by bibliography


\title{{\large B.Sc. Engg. Thesis}\\
\textbf{On Cover Contact Graphs}}
\author{ By \\
 Md. Taufique Hussain \\
 Student No. 0805050 \\
 Shohedul Hasan \\
 Student No. 0805060\\
{ Submitted to}\\
 {Department of Computer Science and Engineering} \\
  { in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of}\\
{ Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering}\\
%{(Preliminary version)}\\
{ Department of Computer Science and Engineering}\\
{ Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)}\\
{ Dhaka-1000}

\date{June 13, 2014}

%\input board.tex \newpage

%\input declaration.tex \newpage


\tableofcontents \newpage
\listoffigures \newpage

%\input%\input Acknowledgement.tex \newpage

%\input%\input Abstract.tex \newpage


%\input%\input Chap_1.tex %introduction
%\input%\input Chap_2.tex %preliminery
%\input%\input Chap_3.tex %CCG of convex point sets
%\input chap4.tex %CCG of non-convex point sets
%\input%\input Chap_5.tex %Conclusion
%\input chap6.tex
%\input publication.tex
%\input references.tex

%\input conclusion.tex

%  \printmypapers

  • It was ok before I added any chapter. But when I am adding chapter it's not compiling, even when chapter contains nothing but this: paste.ubuntu.com/7638947
    – taufique
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 13:49
  • @taufique: I accidentally commented \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} out. I changed that a few seconds ago
    – user31729
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 13:55
  • Same file that was previously compiled is not being compiled now. Error report says: ! Missing $ inserted. <inserted text> $ l.231 \chapter{Chap_4.tex} What to do now?
    – taufique
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 13:56
  • @taufique, \chapter is a command for typesetting a chapter heading, not including a file, as I presume you mean to do. Use \input{<filename>} or \include{<filename>} instead. Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 14:04
  • @taufique: I stepped back and just commented out your \input statements and those weird \baselinestretch commands, the output is the same as from my code. It runs without errors.
    – user31729
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 14:05

Your title page is too big, that's why it produces a second page. Please reduce the height of your title page by adapting the vspaces.

You should try to avoid that many manual treatment of baseline stretching and vertical spaces. I haven't seen your thesis yet, but this will unlikely look that good. Just an advice.

% arara: pdflatex

\documentclass[12pt, twoside, makeidx, a4paper]{report}
\title{{\large B.Sc.\ Engg.\ Thesis}\\
\textbf{On Cover Contact Graphs}}
\author{By \\
 Md. XY XY \\
 Student No.\ 0000000 \\
 XY XY \\
 Student No.\ 0000000\\
Submitted to\\
Department of Computer Science and Engineering\\
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of\\
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering\\
Department of Computer Science and Engineering\\
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)\\



enter image description here

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