I am writing my thesis paper in LaTeX
. I wrote the title page like below. But whenever I compile the .tex
file one extra blank page is added before the title page. I can't figure out why is it happening. Any help?
\documentclass[12pt, twoside, makeidx,a4paper]{report}
\usepackage {amssymb,amsmath,amsfonts}
\def\squareforqed{\hbox{${\cal Q.E.D.}$}} %modified
\vskip 10pt}
%\leftmargin=0true cm
%\oddsidemargin=-.5true cm
%\evensidemargin=-.5true cm
\topmargin=-.5cm \leftmargin=.5true cm \oddsidemargin=0true cm
\evensidemargin=0true cm
% \setlength{\baselineskip}{14pt}
\advance \leftmargin by 18pt
% \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}%
% \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%
\newcommand{\Begin} {{\bf begin}}
\newcommand{\End} {{\bf end}}
\newcommand{\If} {{\bf if }}
\newcommand{\Then} {{\bf then }}
\newcommand{\Else} {{\bf else }}
\newcommand{\For} {{\bf for }}
\newcommand{\To} {{\bf to }}
\newcommand{\DownTo} {{\bf downto }}
\newcommand{\Do} {{\bf do }}
\newcommand{\While} {{\bf while }}
\newcommand{\Repeat}{{\bf repeat }}
\newcommand{\Until} {{\bf until}}
\newcommand{\Procedure} {{\bf Procedure }}
\newcommand{\Function} {{\bf Function }}
\newcommand{\Return} {{\bf return }}
\newcommand{\Integer} {{\bf integer}}
\newcommand{\Boolean} {{\bf Boolean}}
\newcommand{\fdeg}{$f$-degree }
\newcommand{\class}{${\cal C}$}
\newcommand{\case}[1]{\noindent{\em Case} #1: }
\newcommand{\Case}[1]{\noindent{\em Case} #1: }
\newcommand{\proof}{\noindent {\bf Proof.} \ \ }
%\newcommand{\proofend}{\begin{flushright${\cal Q.E.D.}$\end{flushright}}
% {\hfill{${\cal Q.E.D.}$}}
% \ }
\newcommand{\dvgraph}{divided vertex graph}
\newcommand{\wrt}{with respect to }
\newcommand{\A}{{\cal A}}
\newcommand{\D}{{\cal D}}
\newcommand{\E}{{\cal E}}
\newcommand{\F}{{\cal F}}
\newcommand{\G}{{\cal G}}
\renewcommand{\H}{{\cal H}}
\newcommand{\I}{{\cal I}}
\renewcommand{\L}{{\cal L}}
\newcommand{\lsup}{\beta_{\rm sup}}
\newcommand{\color}[1]{\lceil (#1+2)^2/2\rceil}
\newcommand{\gcolor}{\lceil 72(g(G)+2)^2/5\rceil}
\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % without this line the Refenrence will be replaced by bibliography
\title{{\large B.Sc. Engg. Thesis}\\
\textbf{On Cover Contact Graphs}}
\author{ By \\
Md. Taufique Hussain \\
Student No. 0805050 \\
Shohedul Hasan \\
Student No. 0805060\\
{ Submitted to}\\
{Department of Computer Science and Engineering} \\
{ in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of}\\
{ Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering}\\
%{(Preliminary version)}\\
{ Department of Computer Science and Engineering}\\
{ Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)}\\
{ Dhaka-1000}
\date{June 13, 2014}
%\input board.tex \newpage
%\input declaration.tex \newpage
\tableofcontents \newpage
\listoffigures \newpage
%\input Acknowledgement.tex \newpage
%\input Abstract.tex \newpage
%\input Chap_1.tex %introduction
%\input Chap_2.tex %preliminery
%\input Chap_3.tex %CCG of convex point sets
%\input chap4.tex %CCG of non-convex point sets
%\input Chap_5.tex %Conclusion
%\input chap6.tex
%\input publication.tex
%\input references.tex
%\input conclusion.tex
% \printmypapers
. Wild guess in the absence of complete mwe.;-)