I haven't been able to find anything on this after searching for a while, so I apologize if this is a duplicate.
I need to replicate the following image:
Here's what I've got so far:
%%for graphs
%%end graph code
axis x line=bottom,%need to change to bottom to put 0 in
axis y line=middle,
x label style={at={(axis cs: 2.6, -0.12)},anchor=south},%rotate = degrees number can be used to rotate the label
y label style={at={(axis cs:0, 2.5)},anchor=south},
xtick={0, 1, 2}, %or {listofvalues, , },
ytick={0, 1, 2},
yticklabels={$0$, $1$, $2$},
xticklabels={$0$, $1$, $2$},
area style,
%thick lines
\draw[draw = black, ultra thick] (axis cs: 0, 0) -- (axis cs: 0, 2);
\addplot+[draw = black, ultra thick, name path = upper, domain=0:2] {2-x};
\addplot+[draw = black, ultra thick, name path = lower, domain=0:2] {0};
\addplot[gray!40] fill between[of = upper and lower];
It doesn't matter to me where the axis labels are - the main problem is trying to get the x + y = 2 on the line.
How can I get the x + y = 2 on the line?