I am creating slides with overlays in Beamer, using TiKZ to create a figure consisting mainly of text nodes. The idea is that different parts of the figure are highlighted on each slide. Initially it all appears in a light gray (I'm using "seagull" colours with a white background), and on each slide a different part of the figure is shown in full colour.
I've achieved this by basically drawing the figure twice: once in light gray, and then drawing it again using a sequence of "onslide" commands. However, what I'd like is for text in a node to appear as bold face when it appears in colour. Here is an MWE:
\title{A test}
\begin{frame}{This is the test slide}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,color=lightgray]
\draw (current page.south west)++(1,1) coordinate (SW);
\draw (SW)++(2,1) node {First bit of text};
\draw (SW)++(4,3.5) node {Second bit of text};
\draw (SW)++(6,6) node {Third and final text};
\onslide<2>{\draw[color=blue] (SW)++(2,1) node {First bit of text};}
\onslide<3>{\draw[color=blue] (SW)++(4,3.5) node {Second bit of text};}
\onslide<4>{\draw[color=blue] (SW)++(6,6) node {Third and final text};}
Now there may well be an easier and more natural way of doing this; on the other hand it means I can position text wherever I want.
If I include a text = \bfseries
in the second part of the above, then it seems to stick, and the lightgray text is also bold, which I don't want. So - any ideas on how text will appear in a color and bold, and then go back to lightgray and normal when it's not highlighted?
the lightgray will still be there underneath the blue text, with a smaller width.