I noticed that it my document I get a "?" where the citation should be when using


However, the numbers appear when I use


I have a preamble.tex file from a template which contains the following code related to bibliography

% *****************************************************************************
% *************************** Bibliography  and References ********************

%\usepackage{cleveref} %Referencing without need to explicitly state fig /table

% Add `custombib' in the document class option to use this section
\ifsetBib % True, Bibliography option is chosen in class options
\else % If custom bibliography style chosen then load bibstyle here

   %\RequirePackage[square, sort, numbers, authoryear]{natbib} % CustomBib
   \RequirePackage[round]{natbib} % CustomBib

% If you would like to use biblatex for your reference management, as opposed to the default     `natbibpackage` pass the option `custombib` in the document class. Comment out the previous     line to make sure you don't load the natbib package. Uncomment the following lines and spec    ify the location of references.bib file

% \RequirePackage[backend=biber, style=numeric-comp, citestyle=numeric, sorting=nty, natbib=    true]{biblatex}
% \bibliography{References/references} %Location of references.bib only for biblatex


I tried both including and not including "custombib" in the documentclass options but it didn't make a difference. My main file report.tex contains


to use preamble.tex. And then the bibliography is called as follows:

\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % use this to have URLs listed in References
\bibliography{References/references} % Path to your References.bib file

I also made sure to delete the .aux, .bib, etc. (all the intermediate) files before recompiling.

I am using vim-latex with the default compilation sequence to generate the PDF.

Any thoughts on why the citations aren't showing up? Thanks!

  • Did you run bibtex and then ran LaTeX again?
    – user10274
    Jun 26, 2014 at 11:46
  • Yes, because the numbers do appear when I use \bibliographystyle{apalike}. Plus, vim-latex automatically runs the compilation sequence 2 or 3 times by default. Jun 26, 2014 at 11:48


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