When I include references in a beamer
frame, the author is printed first, followed by the title, followed by the journal/note. I'm using bibtex for referencing.
The output looks as follows:
How can I make the title appear on top, followed by the author underneath?
I have been looking at beamerbaselocalstructure.sty to redefine the newblock definition, but have been unsuccessful so far.
Here's sample code that results in the output above (although it uses inline bibitems instead of bibtex). I do not want to switch the author and title field in the bibtex file.
\bibitem{patchdroid} Collin Mulliner, Jon Oberheide, William Robertson, and Engin Kirda. \newblock Scalable Third-Party Security Patches for Android Devices. \newblock In \textit{Proceedings of the 29th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference}, pages 259--268. ACM, 20143.
and ending with\end{document}