I want to create this style:
I want this executed every time I use the command for the section
, subsection
and the subsubsection
I already have the code for the graphics, but I do not know how to do all this is done automatically when each command is written, or how to make the format does not move.
anyone can help me to do this??
\documentclass[oneside,spanish,10pt, letterpaper]{memoir}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\fill[logo](4,-1) rectangle (0,-2);
\draw[color = logo2] (0.5,-1.7) to[R,o-o,label=\mbox{$R_1=\SI{1.1}{\ohm}$}] (2.5,-1.7);
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,text=white,scale=1,font=\sectionfont] at (3.2,-1.5) {1.1};
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,text=logo,scale=1,font=\sectionfont] at (5.5,-1.5) {Some text};
%%%sub section
\fill[logo](1.2,-3) rectangle (1.7,-4);
\fill[logo](1.2,-3.95) rectangle (14,-4);
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,text=logo,scale=1,font=\sectionfont] at (.5,-3.5) {1.1.1};
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,text=logo,scale=1.2,font=\sffamily] at (2.8,-3.5){Some text};
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,text=logo2,scale=1,font=\sectionfont] at (1.45,-3.5){$\oint$};
\draw[color = logo] (13.99,-4) node [ground] {};
%%%subsub section
\fill[logo](1.7,-5) rectangle (2.2,-6);
\fill[logo](1.7,-5.95) rectangle (12,-6);
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,text=logo,scale=1,font=\sectionfont] at (.9,-5.5){};
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,text=logo,scale=1.2,font=\itshape] at (3.5,-5.5){Some text};
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,text=logo2,scale=1,font=\sectionfont] at (1.95,-5.5){$\psi$};
\draw[color = logo] (11.99,-6) node [ground] {};