I want to add a table in the following format:
But don't know what's wrong with my script that doesn't work.
\setlength{\columnsep}{25 pt} % Distance between two columns
\multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Mode Transition Times Duration (Typical)}} &\multicolumn{3}{c|}{\textbf{CLK Frequency}} & \textbf{Unit}\\
\textbf{Inactive Modes} & \textbf{Description}\\
\textbf{12 or 24} & \textbf{13 or 26} & \textbf{16 or 32} & \textbf{[MHz]}\\
First condition & 1365 & 1260 & 1024 & \mu s \\ \hline
Second condition & TBD & TBD & TBD & \mu s \\ \hline
Third condition & TBD & TBD & TBD & \mu s \\ \hline
Fourth condition & TBD & TBD & TBD & \mu s \\ \hline
\caption{Mode Transition Times}
and ending with\end{document}