I am making a newsletter, but I am not expert at all, especially with the new Latex features like 'tikz'. I want a big picture in the first page (the cover), with some written lines at the bottom of the page, and at the center, so that copyrights and years etc. can be specified.
I am using the following code:
\usepackage[lmargin=1cm, bmargin=0.2cm, tmargin=1cm, rmargin=1cm, centering, includefoot,heightrounded]{geometry}
\usepackage{tikz} %pagenodes}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node[anchor = north west, inner sep=0] (image) at (current page.north west)
\node[align = center, anchor = below] at (current page.south) {\textcopyright\, 2014 ... individual authors. All rights reserved.\\ Other bla bla words};
I thought it was easy, but I can not manage to have a nice layout, unless I specify things and position by numbers, in a very artificial way. I don't know very well how 'nodes' work. I read a lot on this SE as well, especially this, but still seems I can't follow all the available options. A clear example would be very welcome.
As a beside, I read from here some general rules about the blank margins: if anyone knows any useful advice on that it would be very good, since the guide says that it is better to avoid equally spaced margins on all sides, but it does not give any example numbers.