I have two mindmaps in the following MWE and have a couple of problems.
The mindmaps are almost identical, but some child nodes appear at different positions, in particular Int.2, leaving different space with the right edge of the node, as indicated with red crosses.
Besides, no matter all the changes I introduce, I ALWAYS get the same overfull warning
Overfull \hbox (7.53343pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 61--61
ALWAYS 7.53343pt too wide, no matter the changes I make, and I do not see any overfull problem anywhere...
I would really appreciate if someone could help. Thanks!
\node[inner sep=0, fill=yellow] (A) at (0,0) {
\path[small mindmap,concept color=white!99!green, text=black,
level 1 concept/.append style=
{every child/.style=, sibling angle=-30}]
node[concept, scale=0.8, font=\large] {BRCA1}[counterclockwise from=0]
child[concept color=green]{node[concept, scale=0.6, font=\large] at(2,0) {Int.1}}
child[concept color=green]{node[concept, scale=1.1] at(2,-.8) {Int.2}}
child[concept color=green, opacity=0]{node[concept, star, star points=18, scale=0.6, font=\LARGE] at(1,-.5) {Int.3}}
child[concept color=green]{node[concept, scale=0.7, font=\large] at(-.2,-1.5) {Int.5}}
child[concept color=green]{node[concept, scale=0.5, font=\large] at(0,0) {Int.6}}
child[concept color=green!25!white]{node[concept, scale=0.4, font=\LARGE] at(-3,.5) {Int.8}}
child[concept color=white!90!green]{node[concept, star, star points=18, scale=0.4, font=\huge] at(-.5,1) {Int.9}}
child[concept color=green!25!white]{node[concept, scale=0.6, font=\large] at(-.3,1) {Int.10}}
child[concept color=green]{node[concept] at(0,2) {Int.11}}
child[concept color=green!25!white]{node[concept, scale=1.3] at(1.5,-.5) {Int.13}}
child[concept color=green, opacity=0]{node[concept, star, star points=18, scale=0.3, font=\huge] at(4,-.1) {Int.14}}
\node[inner sep=0, fill=yellow, right=.2cm of A] (B) {
\path[small mindmap,concept color=black!90!green, text=white,
level 1 concept/.append style=
{every child/.style=, sibling angle=-30}]
node[concept, scale=0.8, font=\large] {BRCA1}[counterclockwise from=0]
child[concept color=green, text=black]{node[concept, scale=0.6, font=\large] at(2,0) {Int.1}}
child[concept color=green, text=black]{node[concept, scale=1.1] at(2,-.8) {Int.2}}
child[concept color=black!75!green]{node[concept, star, star points=18, scale=0.6, font=\LARGE] at(1,-.5) {Int.3}}
child[concept color=green, text=black]{node[concept, scale=0.7, font=\large] at(-.2,-1.5) {Int.5}}
child[concept color=green, text=black]{node[concept, scale=0.5, font=\Large] at(0,0) {Int.6}}
child[concept color=green!60!black]{node[concept, scale=1.2] at(-3,.5) {Int.8}}
child[concept color=green, text=black, opacity=0]{node[concept, star, star points=18, scale=0.4, font=\huge] at(-.5,1) {Int.9}}
child[concept color=green!60!black]{node[concept, scale=1.1] at(-.3,1) {Int.10}}
child[concept color=green, text=black]{node[concept] at(0,2) {Int.11}}
child[concept color=green!60!black]{node[concept, scale=0.7, font=\large] at(1.5,-.5) {{\large Int.13}}}
child[concept color=black!75!green]{node[concept, star, star points=18, scale=0.3, font=\huge] at(4,-.1) {Int.14}}
Which produces:
es look at the following line in the warning and you'll see the offending nodes. For example tryInt. 14
Instead of nesting tikzpictures inside nodes, use scopes and place them properly and relatively. The problem is the star spikes enlarge the bounding box.