What techniques and packages are there to keep up with good practices?
What I already know
I already know of the following packages for this kind of purpose:
\RequirePackage[l2tabu,orthodox]{nag}% Old habits die hard. All the same, there are
% commands, classes and packages which are
% outdated and superseded. nag provides routines
% to warn the user about the use of those.
\usepackage[all,error]{onlyamsmath} % Error on deprecated math commands like $$ $$.
I also know to use \( \)
instead of $ $
and \[ \]
instead of $$ $$
(as discussed in Are \(
and \)
preferable to $
?). And that csquotes
has a strict mode to turn warnings into errors:
And I am aware of the fact that mostly the content is more important than appearance and technicalities. Thus it is mostly a good practice to use packages and tools that lets you focus on content and to automate as much as possible, e.g. to automate compilation with latexmk