A bit late but it might help other people looking for the same answer. The package optidef was intended as the easy way to define optimization problems.
{w,u}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}{}{}
The package has several more options. Below some examples are provided. To have a completely overview of the features and options check the documentation.
Using a shorter description of minimize/subject to.##
{w,u}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}{}{}
##Breaking the objective accross several lines.##
{w,u}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)+ H(100w-x*w/500)}{}{}
Multilabeling/no labeling:
{w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}
{w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}
Alignment position of constraints with respect to the objective:
Alternative 1
{w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}
Alternative 2
{w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}
Alternative 3
{w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}
Other optimization environments
{w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}
{w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}
{w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}
Full details on the different implementations above (and more details) can be found in the documentation: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/optidef/optidef.pdf.
Feature requests and discussion of issues can be done through the github page: https://github.com/jeslago/optidef