in this MWE
\LaTeX * \textarabic{كلمة عربية}*
\begin{tcblisting}{listing only,listing options={style=tcblatex,escapeinside={*}{*}}}
\LaTeX * %\textarabic{كلمة عربية}*
with lstlisting
environment i can show arabic text using listing option escapeinside
, But in contrast, with tcblisting
if i remove %
sign before \textarabic
I get an error alert
! Package polyglossia Error: The current roman font does not contain the Arabic
any idea to fix this ?
could be the problem. So, please, try iflisting options={language=[LaTeX]TeX,escapeinside={*}{*}}
solve the problem.listing option={langage= TeX,escapeinside={*}{*}}
([LaTeX]TeX cause error ...!Package Listings Error: File 'T(.tex)' not found), thanks for @ThomasF.Sturm and @KhaledHosnylisting option={language={[LaTeX]TeX},escapeinside={*}{*}}