Is there any way to import a 3D file of an object (.stl for example) to draw a 2D projection of it into a TeX document ?

I have been surprised to don't find any subject about that, I was thinking a conversion with TikZ or Asymptote would be possible.

Any clue ?

  • 4
    I guess it is possible, see here (source here) for an example with Asymptote. The data file is a *.obj.
    – anderstood
    Commented Aug 6, 2014 at 21:51
  • Note that you can also convert *.svg drawings to tikz using inkscape, but you couldn't change of viewpoint.
    – anderstood
    Commented Aug 6, 2014 at 21:58

2 Answers 2


pgfplots supports it as part of its patch plot handler. It has two different choices as input syntax:

% FokkerDrI_layer_0.facetIdx.dat contains:
% # each row makes up one facet; it
% # consists of 0-based indices into
% # the vertex array
% 0    1     2 % triangle of vertices #0,#1 and #2
% 0    3     1 % triangle of vertices #0,#3 and #1
% 3    4     1
% 5    6     7
% 6    8     7
% 8    9     7
% 8    10      9
% ...
% while FokkerDrI_layer_0.vertices.dat contains
% 105.577      -19.7332   2.85249    % vertex #0
% 88.9233      -21.1254   13.0359    % vertex #1
% 89.2104      -22.1547   1.46467    % vertex #2
% 105.577      -17.2161   12.146
% 105.577      -10.6054   18.7567
% 105.577      7.98161   18.7567
% 105.577      14.5923   12.146
% ...
    patch table=


\begin{axis}[axis equal]
% FokkerDrI_layer_0.patches.dat contains:
% # each row is one vertex; three consecutive
% # vertices make one triangle (patch)
% 105.577    -19.7332    2.85249
% 88.9233    -21.1254    13.0359
% 89.2104    -22.1547    1.46467
% # end of facet 0
% 105.577    -19.7332    2.85249
% 105.577    -17.2161    12.146
% 88.9233    -21.1254    13.0359
% # end of facet 1

enter image description here

The model as such is one of several .3ds files of my own archive (I wrote a C++ program which converted the .3ds files into the format mentioned above).

The example is taken from the pgfplots manual (compare http://pgfplots.sourceforge.net/pgfplots.pdf section "Patch plots"). The data files are shipped with pgfplots.

pgfplots supports colormaps or patch plots with explicit color. Texture mapping or lighting is out of scope.


For example with pst-solides3d. If your data defines a function or simple 3d points you can plot the points with pst-plot3d. If the data describes a 3d solid then use it this way. Run it with xelatex:


 \psset{lightsrc=30 -40 10,viewpoint=50 -50 20 rtp2xyz,Decran=50,
   RotX=90,sommets=(sommets_nefer.dat) run}
 \psSolid[object=new,fillcolor=AntiqueWhite,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,faces=(faces_nefer.dat) run]


enter image description here

The datafiles are sommets_nefer.dat which defines the coordinates of the polygons and face_nefer.dat defines the area. Every coordinate triple is numbered with 0,1,2,... These numbers are used for the polygons. For example:

\psset{unit=0.75cm,lightsrc=10 -20 50,viewpoint=50 -20 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=50}
 sommets= 2 4 3  -2 4 3  -2 -4 3  2 -4 3  2 4 0 
         -2 4 0  -2 -4 0  2 -4 0  0 4 5   0 -4 5,
 faces={ [0 1 2 3][7 6 5 4][0 3 7 4][3 9 2][1 8 0] 
         [8 9 3 0][9 8 1 2][6 7 3 2][2 1 5 6]},

enter image description here

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