I'm pretty new to TeX in general, having only produced two beamer-documents so far. Right now I'm working on my first term paper using TeX.

What I want to accomplish is a simple use of \multirow. However, some remaining horizontal lines bug me even though I followed my instruction step by step.

I believe the code sample speaks for itself:

\textbf{Biotoptyp: Abk"urzung} & \textbf{Fl"ache 2011, in m$^2$, ca.} \\ \hline
HN                & \multirow{4}{*}{15.800} \\ \hline
BRS               &                         \\ \hline
BMS               &                         \\ \hline
HB                &                         \\ \hline
UHT               & \multirow{2}{*}{8.200}  \\ \hline
GMK               &                         \\ \hline
UHM               & 4.000                   \\ \hline
SXA               & 2.500                   \\ \hline
HFS               & 1.100                   \\ \hline
\textbf{$\Sigma$} & \textbf{31.600}         \\ \hline

enter image description here

What am I missing here?


1 Answer 1


You can try this:

\textbf{Biotoptyp: Abk"urzung} & \textbf{Fl"ache 2011, in m$^2$, ca.} \\ \hline
HN                & \multirow{4}{*}{15.800} \\ \hline
BRS               &                         \\ \cline{1-1}
BMS               &                         \\ \hline
HB                &                         \\ \hline
UHT               & \multirow{2}{*}{8.200}  \\ \cline{1-1}
GMK               &                         \\ \hline
UHM               & 4.000                   \\ \hline
SXA               & 2.500                   \\ \hline
HFS               & 1.100                   \\ \hline
\textbf{$\Sigma$} & \textbf{31.600}         \\ \hline

This code produces:

enter image description here

PD: \cline{i-j} indicates that the line goes from column i to column j.

  • Perfect, thank you for the quick reply. I find it hard to believe that the authors of my guide made such a simple mistake and still they did.
    – T. K.
    Commented Aug 11, 2014 at 20:34

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