I did a title page using the titlepage environment and used \vfill between the entries (for instance name, title, date, etc.) so that they would be equally spaced and the whole title page would fill all of the page.

This implies that there should be an equal blank space at the top of the page (before my first entry) and at the bottom of the page (after my last entry). Nevertheless, it is not what I get. What can I do to fix it? I do not want to alter my geometry settings.




\textbf{Name of the lab} \par
Report presented to: \par


Blank space before the first entry: enter image description here Blank space after the last entry: enter image description here

  • 1
    If you add showframe in the options to geometry, you'll see what LaTeX thinks about the various page elements. There is an additional space below the date because you have the center environment; use \centering just after \begin{titlepage} and remove \begin{center} and \end{center}.
    – egreg
    Commented Aug 13, 2014 at 17:05

1 Answer 1


There are two factors that influence your problem. The default behavior of geometry is to divide the available vertical space for the top and bottom margins in a ratio 2:3. Another slight source for space is the usage of the center environment. Just use \centering that doesn't add vertical space.

You can look at how geometry sets the page elements by adding the showframe option.





\textbf{Name of the lab} \par
Report presented to: \par




enter image description here

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