Here is an adaption of Draw a line through one column of a matrix:
- This does require two runs. First one to determine the locations, and the second to do the drawing.
- Another option is to use the
package, but for this particular case it is simpler to not use that package: The custom defined \MyTikzmark
provides anchor points .north
and .south
which are automatically centered vertically. Similarly .east
and .west
are centered vertically. In the tikzmark
package version the lines were extended via shorten >=
and shorten <=
and shifted using yshift
to provide similar results.
Code: Without tikzmark
\tikz[overlay,remember picture,baseline] \node [anchor=base] (#1) {$#2$};%
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw[shorten <=0.3ex, #1] (#2.north) -- (#3.south);
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw[shorten <=0.2em, #1] (#2.west) -- (#3.east);
\MyTikzmark{leftA}{15} & 0 & \MyTikzmark{topB}{0} & \MyTikzmark{rightA}{0} \\
0 & 50 & 20 & 25 \\
35 & 5 & 0 & 10 \\
\MyTikzmark{bottomA}{0} & 65 & \MyTikzmark{bottomB}{50} & 65
\DrawVLine[red, thick, opacity=0.5]{leftA}{bottomA}
\DrawVLine[orange, thick, opacity=0.5]{topB}{bottomB}
\DrawHLine[blue, thick, opacity=0.5]{leftA}{rightA}
Code: With tikzmark
\tikz[remember picture,baseline]
\node [anchor=base, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
{\tikzmark{#1 LEFT}$#2$\tikzmark{#1 RIGHT}};%
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw[shorten <=-1.7ex, shorten >=-0.3ex, #1]
($(pic cs:#2 LEFT)!0.5!(pic cs:#2 RIGHT)$) --
($(pic cs:#3 LEFT)!0.5!(pic cs:#3 RIGHT)$);
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw[shorten <=-0.2em, shorten >=-0.3em, yshift=0.7ex, #1]
(pic cs:#2 LEFT) -- (pic cs:#3 RIGHT);
\MyTikzmark{leftA}{15} & 0 & \MyTikzmark{topB}{0} & \MyTikzmark{rightA}{0} \\
0 & 50 & 20 & 25 \\
35 & 5 & 0 & 10 \\
\MyTikzmark{bottomA}{0} & 65 & \MyTikzmark{bottomB}{50} & 65
\DrawVLine[red, thick, opacity=0.5]{leftA}{bottomA}
\DrawVLine[orange,thick, opacity=0.5]{topB}{bottomB}
\DrawHLine[blue, thick, opacity=0.5]{leftA}{rightA}