I came up with several tricks. However I'm not sure if they are robust enough. It all depends on your documents.
Firstly let me start with a very very simple example:
\item[A] aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
\item[BB] bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb
\item[CCC] cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc
\item[DDDD] dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd
It has an intermediate slide:
The first trick, as greyshade just did, is to declare your own \item
command with two arguments. By doing so you can do almost everything since you catch the second argument. For example in my own version:
\begin{frame}{AFTER: j}\only<+>{}
\jtem[A] {aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa}
\jtem[BB] {bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb}
\jtem[CCC] {cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc}
\jtem[DDDD] {dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd}
Notice that the separated \only<-.>{}
and \only<+->{}
allow the names shown in different formats before/after their descriptions appear.
Things become complicated if we want our \item
assuming the same syntax as usual. The second trick is to typeset the name-part and the description-part alternatively. As follows:
\begin{frame}{AFTER: k}\only<+>{}
\ktem[A] aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
\ktem[BB] bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb
\ktem[CCC] cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc
\ktem[DDDD] dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd
Then we will have a sparser slide:
There is a trivial way to fix it:
\begin{frame}{AFTER: l}\only<+>{}
\ltem[A] aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
\ltem[BB] bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb
\ltem[CCC] cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc
\ltem[DDDD] dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd
Here 16.6
is the magic number. This trick fails for different font size, different line skip, or any other reason making lines taller. (In this case, however, it looks fine.)
On the other hand if you do not have multiline description-part, simply copy the first trick:
\begin{frame}{AFTER: m}\only<+>{}
\mtem[A] aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
\mtem[BB] bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb
\mtem[CCC] cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc
\mtem[DDDD] dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd
Nevertheless there could be some shift if the description-part is taller.
The third trick deals with colors. The point is to change the color dynamically.
\begin{frame}{AFTER: n}
\ntem[A] aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
\ntem[BB] bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb
\ntem[CCC] cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc
\ntem[DDDD] dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd
It fails, certainly, if you include any color-command between your words such as \alert
or if the background is not white.
Similarly, we may also deal with opacities.
\begin{frame}{AFTER: o}
\otem[A] aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
\otem[BB] bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb
\otem[CCC] cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc cccccc
\otem[DDDD] dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd
This is the most robust one since multiline, tall lines, and colors are harmless. The only drawback is that it may conflict with beamer
's own transparency-effect, e.g. section 17.6.
Last but not the least:
does not produce the result you described for me.\uncoverenv
are beyond my understanding.