I get this following scheme but it doesn't work in my laptop, i work using texmaker and miKteX 2.9, i always get the error I can't find tikzlibraryhobby.code.tex, i enter the package manager to install it but its not found, can anyone help me to download then install it?



\draw[thick,->] (52,0) -- (60,0) node[anchor=north west] {$x'$};
\draw[thick,->] (56,-04) -- (56,04) node[anchor=south east] {$x_N$};
\node[draw=red,dashed,thick,circle,minimum width=4cm] (n) at (56,0) {};
\fill[pattern=north east lines,opacity=.6] (58,0)arc(0:180:2cm) -- (58,0);
\draw[thick,->] (57.5,1.55) -- (58,2) node[anchor=north west] {$I^{+}(1)$};
\draw[thick,->] (57.5,-1.55) -- (58,-2) node[anchor=north west] {$I(1)$};
\draw (56,0) node[below right] {$O$} node{$\bullet$};
\draw (58,0) node[below right] {$1$} node{};
\draw (54,0) node[below left] {$-1$} node{};
\node[draw,circle,minimum width=2cm] (n1) at (50,3) {};

\clip[draw](48,1) to[closed,curve through={(50,3) .. (52,4) .. (51,6) ..(47,6) .. (46.6,5) .. (45,3.8) }] (48,1);
\node[draw,circle,fill=magenta,minimum width=2cm] (n1) at (50,3) {};

\node[inner sep=1pt,fill,circle,label={below right: $x_0$}] at (50,3){};
\draw[->,shorten <= -4mm] (n1.90) -- +(0.7,0.7) node[pos=1.3]{$\Omega_1 \cap \Omega$};
\draw[->] (51,6) -- +(0.7,0.3) node[pos=1.3]{$\Omega$};
\draw[->] (n1.300) -- +(0.7,-0.3) node[pos=1.3]{$\Omega_1$};
\draw[->] (n1.10) to[bend left] node[midway,below]{8*} (n.120);   %% 8* = ???
\node at (50,-1){ Some text???};



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