While placing a full-width image in the multicols environment using

\begin{figure*} ...

if the figure is larger than some fraction of the page, it takes up a whole page on its own, with copious white space above and below it. Is there a way to prevent the figure from taking a whole page, forcing the figure back to the top of the page and filling the white space below it with text?

  • I managed to solve this problem myself by accident: while multicols does not support image floating, using the \begin{figure*}[htb] will prevent page floating and prevent the creation of a full-page image.
    – James
    Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 19:38
  • 1
    Could you make your comment here into a self-answer?
    – Joseph Wright
    Commented Aug 28, 2014 at 6:17

1 Answer 1


if the figure is larger than some fraction of the page,

instead of only forcing the placement (btw, I suggest to use only [tb]), you can try to adapt the figure to the page width:


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