Currently working on a document of type article. I'd like to add two horizontal lines above and below the title. I tried the following:


     \title{A Title}

     \author{FirstName LastName}


This does not give the desired effect, and splits the title page into multiple pages. Could you advise?

  • @Johannes_B My question was posted in 2014, whereas the indicated question posted in 2016. I guess it makes sense to mark that question as duplicate???
    – Melanie A
    Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 7:23
  • We often close older questions as duplicates of newer questions.
    – Johannes_B
    Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 7:24
  • @Johannes_B Why mark a question with a good answer as duplicate of a very generic one which does not show how to add lines? Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 10:53

2 Answers 2


Try adding the line inside \titles argument:

\title{\line(1,0){250}\\A Title\\\line(1,0){250}}



 \title{\line(1,0){250}\\A Title\\\line(1,0){250}}

 \author{FirstName LastName}


enter image description here

Same with titling package:

\posttitle{\par\rule{3in}{0.4pt}\end{center}\vskip 0.5em}

 \title{A Title}

 \author{FirstName LastName}


Well you can custom easily your title page with the titlepage environment. Belong your MWE we can get:

Titlepage environment result

Here is the code:


\Huge A Title \\[14pt]
First Name Last Name


Notice the way of build the lines and their thickness.

You don't need more. You can build manually a title page with this environment. If you do that will be useful to use commands such as \vspace, \vspace*, \vfill, between others.

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