I need to have two references within parenthesis separated by some text (see \citep for multiple references separated by text) so it should look like:

(this is the first source Smith 2000; and also see Smith 2013 for more)

This is the command I think I'd need:

\parencites[this is the first source][]{Smith_2000}[; and also see][for more]{Smith_2013}

but I'm using a template that relies on natbib and a custom .bst file so I'm stuck using bibtex. This means I can't use the \parencites command which apparently only works with biblatex.

Can I mimic the output needed in my case (ie: no biblatex)?

  • 1
    Perhaps I am misunderstanding something, but why can you just write: (this is the first source \cite{Smith_2000}; and also see \cite{Smith_2013} for more)?
    – user30471
    Commented Aug 22, 2014 at 13:23
  • 1
    Because that would mean I end up with parentheses within parentheses, which is bad practice I believe (at least I don't like it) But your comment gave me the idea of using \citealp which does precisely that. If you'd like you can put that in the form of an answer and I'll accept it.
    – Gabriel
    Commented Aug 22, 2014 at 13:49
  • Glad that you found a solution. I briefly tried to work out how to extract the necessary information from the \cite command, but wasn't able to get anything to work. I think that as you found the solution I can't post it as "my" solution. Wouldn't it would be fairer if you posted your solution and then accepted it?
    – user30471
    Commented Aug 24, 2014 at 18:07
  • @Andrew well I only came up with \citealp after you mentioned another way to come up with a similar output using \cite, so from where I stand the solution should be given to you. In any case, if you feel it'd be better if I post it myself, I will.
    – Gabriel
    Commented Aug 24, 2014 at 20:01

1 Answer 1


Since no one wants to post an answer, I don't mind if I do.

This worked for me:

(this is the first source \citealt{Smith_2000}; and also see \citealt{Smith_2013} for more)

Notice the lack of commas between the author and date. For commas use \citealp{} instead of \citealt. I found this comparison of functions helpful as well.

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