(loaded by option brazil
) makes "
an active shorthand
that disturbs the tikz-cd
code. The shorthand can be disabled via \shorthandoff
\[\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small]
Y_1 \ar[dr, "\pi_1"'] \ar[rr, "f"]& & \ar[ld, "\pi_2"] Y_2 \\
& X &
didn't work for this example, tikz-cd
seems to expect a "
with catcode 12 (other), see \tikzcd@enablequotes
Patch version
The following example patches some TikZ macros to support the active quotes:
% Patch for tikzlibarycd.code.tex
/handlers/first char syntax/\meaning"/.initial=\tikzcd@passquotes
% Patch for tikzlibraryquotes.code.tex
\pgfkeyssetvalue{/handlers/first char syntax/\meaning"}%
\pgfkeyssetvalue{/handlers/first char syntax/\meaning"}%
\pgfkeyssetvalue{/handlers/first char syntax/\meaning"}%
\[\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small]
Y_1 \ar[dr, "\pi_1"'] \ar[rr, "f"]& & \ar[ld, "\pi_2"] Y_2 \\
& X &