I have a rectangular image that I can not change.

I'd like to clip the image with a Bézier path so I get one that is rectangular at the top and the sides but has a curve at the bottom, preferable without using additional packages.

  • 1
    No package needed if you clip the image using an image editor in advance. As far as I know, graphicx can only clip images in a rectangular form. Therefore you need additional packages such as PSTricks to clip it in a curved form. Commented Jun 5, 2011 at 12:15
  • Using an editor in advance is not an option, unfortunatelly. Additional packages are acceptable (thou a solution without them would be preferable). Commented Jun 5, 2011 at 12:17
  • Your image in what format? eps, jpeg, png, or pdf? Commented Jun 5, 2011 at 12:24
  • can be converted during the compile-process. let us assume it is png. Commented Jun 5, 2011 at 13:10
  • 1
    Herbert's solution that is compiled by xelatex can import png, pdf, jpg, eps. Commented Jun 5, 2011 at 13:13

5 Answers 5


I don't know of a way to clip an image without using additional packages (apart from graphicx, I assume). There is a way of doing it with TikZ, which is probably better than no solution.

This is based on the answers to the question Drawing on an image with TikZ. I've written a macro that takes an image name with the accompanying \includegraphics options and a TikZ path as arguments to either display the image overlaid with a grid and the path, or to use the path to clip the image. The behaviour is toggled using \tikzset{develop clipping path=true} to switch on the grid and the path display, and \tikzset{develop clipping path=false} to perform the actual clipping once the path has been developed.



    \tikzset{/tikz/develop clipping path/.is if=developpath,
      /tikz/develop clipping path=true}

    % Include the image to determine the size and set up the relative coordinate system. Enclose the \includegraphics in \phantom{} once the clipping path has been set up
      \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\includegraphics#1};
      \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\phantom{\includegraphics#1}};
    \begin{scope}[x={(image.south east)},y={(image.north west)}]
      % Draw grid while developing clipping path
        \draw[help lines,xstep=.1,ystep=.1] (0,0) grid (1,1);
        \foreach \x in {0,1,...,9} { \node [anchor=north] at (\x/10,0) {0.\x}; }
        \foreach \y in {0,1,...,9} { \node [anchor=east] at (0,\y/10) {0.\y}; }
        \draw[red, ultra thick] #2 -- cycle;
        % Use the path to clip, include the image
        \path[clip] #2 -- cycle;
        \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt] {\includegraphics#1};

Show the image with a grid to help in finding the coordinates for the path.

    \clippicture{[width=0.8\textwidth]{some-image}}{(0.5,0.75) -- (0.90,0.75) -- (0.90,0.5) .. controls (0.8,-0.2) and (0.65,0.2) .. (0.5,0.3)}

    \tikzset{develop clipping path=false}
Done with developing the path. Do the actual clipping.

    \clippicture{[width=0.8\textwidth]{some-image}}{(0.5,0.75) -- (0.90,0.75) -- (0.90,0.5) .. controls (0.8,-0.2) and (0.65,0.2) .. (0.5,0.3)}

clipping an image with a bezier


run with xelatex, then a pdf image can be clipped





enter image description here

  • 1
    It is a compact solution with a nice photograph. Commented Jun 5, 2011 at 13:09
  • You can use \pst@boxg as a temporary box. Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 7:39
  • 1
    @xport: I know, but it requires makeatletter ....\makeatother and it is defined for internal use of PSTricks
    – user2478
    Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 7:45

I take some ideas from Drawing on an image with Tikz but with another method and I complete the code with Jack's method for the clip image.


\tikzset{number/.style={fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=1}} 
\tikzset{spy style/.style={spy using outlines={magnification=8, size=4cm}}}
\begin{scope}[spy style] 
\node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0](GHimage){\includegraphics[width=#1]{#2}}; 
\begin{scope}[x={(GHimage.south east)},y={(GHimage.north west)}]}{% 

\node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0](GHimage){\phantom{\includegraphics[width=#1]{#2}}}; 
\begin{scope}[x={(GHimage.south east)},y={(GHimage.north west)}]}{% 

width/.code                    = \def\GH@width{#1},
height/.code                   = \def\GH@height{#1}, 
/GHShowDetail/.unknown/.code   = {\let\searchname=\pgfkeyscurrentname

\def\GH@ShowDetail[#1] at (#2,#3)#4{
         width   = 0.1,
         height  = 0.1}
    \path (#2,#3)--++(\GH@width/2,\GH@height/2) coordinate (rightnode)
          (#2,#3)--++(-\GH@width/2,-\GH@height/2) coordinate (leftnode);
    \node [fit=(leftnode) (rightnode),
           ultra thick,draw,
           color= lightgray,
           ](#4)  {};}

/GHShowPath/.unknown/.code   = {\let\searchname=\pgfkeyscurrentname

        \draw[#1] #2 -- cycle; 

\clip  #2 -- cycle;
\node[anchor    = south west,
      inner sep = 0](GHimage){%

color/.code         = \def\GH@anchor@col{#1},
radius/.code        = \def\GH@anchor@rad{#1},
show/.is if         = anchor@show,
show/.default       = true}

\def\GH@Anchor[#1] at (#2,#3)#4{%
color  = gray,
radius = 2pt,
show   = false}  
\coordinate (#4) at (#2,#3);
\ifanchor@show\fill[\GH@anchor@col] (#4) circle [radius=\GH@anchor@rad];\fi

color/.code         = \def\GH@grid@col{#1},
space/.code         = \def\GH@grid@space{#1},
step/.code          = \def\GH@grid@step{#1},
precision/.code     = \def\GH@grid@precision{#1}, 

color  = lightgray,
space = 0.04,
precision = 1}
\foreach \x in {0,\GH@grid@step,...,1.001}{%
    \draw[\GH@grid@col] (0,\x) ++(-\GH@grid@space,0) node[left]{%
    \pgfmathprintnumber[fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=\GH@grid@precision]
                       {\x}} -- (1,\x);
    \draw[\GH@grid@col] (\x,0) ++(0,-\GH@grid@space)node[rotate=90,left]{%
    \pgfmathprintnumber[fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=\GH@grid@precision]
                       {\x}} -- (\x,1);}}

color/.code         = \def\GH@anchor@col{#1},

  \spy  on (#1) in node at ([shift={(#3,#4)}]GHimage.#2); 


\tikzset{spy style/.style={spy using outlines={circle, magnification=4, size=3cm, connect spies}}}

   \GHAnchor[color=red,radius=2pt,show] at (0.5,0.5){milieu}   
   \GHShowDetail[shape=circle,color=red,width=.2] at (0.25,0.5){cercle}
   \GHShowDetail[shape=rectangle,width=.1,height=.1] at (0.7,0.7){rec}
   \GHShowPath[ultra thick,red]{(0.5,0.75) -- (0.90,0.75) -- (0.90,0.5) .. controls (0.8,-0.2) and (0.65,0.2) .. (0.5,0.3)} 

\GHShowClipPath[red]{(0.5,0.75) -- (0.90,0.75) -- 
    (0.90,0.5) .. controls (0.8,-0.2) and (0.65,0.2) .. (0.5,0.3)} 

enter image description here


I am not using Bezier. It is just for fun.




        \psparametricplot{0}{2.5 .25 exp}{t^2  | 0.8*(sqrt(2.5-t^4)+t)}
        \psparametricplot{2.5 .25 exp}{0}{t^2  | 0.8*(-sqrt(2.5-t^4)+t)}
        \psparametricplot{0}{2.5 .25 exp}{-t^2 | 0.8*(-sqrt(2.5-t^4)+t)}
        \psparametricplot{2.5 .25 exp}{0}{-t^2 | 0.8*(sqrt(2.5-t^4)+t)}


    \pscustom[unit=2.3cm, origin={0.5\width,0.4\height}, linecolor=cyan, dimen=middle, linewidth=3pt, algebraic]{\function}
    \psgrid[gridwidth=0.2pt, gridcolor=white, subgriddiv=1]

    \psclip{\pscustom[unit=2.3cm, origin={0.5\width,0.4\height}, linestyle=none, algebraic]{\function}}
    \psgrid[gridwidth=0.2pt, gridcolor=white, subgriddiv=1]

enter image description here


This is a clipper with bezier curves.

enter image description here

\documentclass[pstricks,border={-8.5mm -5.5mm -8.5mm -5.0mm}]{standalone}


    /theta 72 def
    /Major 6.0 def
    /Minor 3.3 def
    % b a t p2c ---> x y
    % where b (semi-minor), a (semi-major), t (theta)
    /p2c {dup 3 1 roll cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul} bind def

        (!Minor Major theta p2c){I}
        (!Minor Major theta neg p2c){J}

    \psellipticarcn[dimen=middle](center)(!Major Minor){(I)}{(J)}

    \psellipticarcn[dimen=middle](center)(!Major Minor){(J')}{(I')}


%    \DeclareNodes
%    \pscustom*{\RightPart\LeftPart\closepath}




Another similar method can be seen here.

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