I am trying to create a custom algorithm environment for CUDA kernel code that runs on the GPU, but have little experience with custom LaTeX. It should have a separate counter, be referenced as Kernel X by the cleveref package, and possibly show up in the list of algorithms as a kernel somehow to distinguish it from regular algorithms.

The following is my M(-kinda-)WE. It gets counters working, but not references. Also I am unable to properly include the placement specifiers in the kernel environment.

\usepackage[nameinlink, noabbrev]{cleveref}

% Custom reference command


} {\end{algorithm}\setcounter{algorithm}{\value{temp}}}


    \caption{Some really cool algorithm}

        \State $x \gets 1$

    \caption{Some other really cool algorithm}

        \State $y \gets 2$

    \caption{Another one...}

        \State $w \gets 3$

    \caption{The last one, I promise}

        \State $w \gets 4$

As implied in~\ref{alg:algorithm1} aka~\autoref{alg:algorithm1} aka~\nameref{alg:algorithm1} aka~\cref{alg:algorithm1} aka~\sref{alg:algorithm1} it is really cool. The same goes for
~\ref{alg:algorithm2} aka~\autoref{alg:algorithm2} aka~\nameref{alg:algorithm2} aka~\cref{alg:algorithm2} aka~\sref{alg:algorithm2}.


Most of the examples I found here where either concerned with the algorithm2e package or didn't do quite what I wanted.

EDIT: I succeeded in passing the placement specifiers to the algorithm environment, but they seem to be ignored, so I am probably still doing something wrong.

1 Answer 1


The \label command saves the index of counter that was last used in the \refstepcounter command. As the \caption command always calls \refstepcounter{algorithm}, the \label is always associated with the algorithm counter and hence cleveref prints Algorithm instead of Kernel.

The easiest solution I can think of is just calling \label before calling \caption.

However this does not give you two separate lists of the captions. So its actually much easier to define a new floating environment to hold the algorithm.

\usepackage[nameinlink, noabbrev]{cleveref}

% Custom reference command

% define a new float, with style `ruled`



    \caption{Some really cool algorithm}

        \State $x \gets 1$

    \caption{Some other really cool algorithm}

        \State $y \gets 2$

    \caption{Another one...}

        \State $w \gets 3$

    \caption{The last one, I promise}

        \State $w \gets 4$

As implied in~\ref{alg:algorithm1} aka~\autoref{alg:algorithm1}
aka~\nameref{alg:algorithm1} aka~\cref{alg:algorithm1} aka~\sref{alg:algorithm1}
it is really cool. The same goes for
~\ref{alg:algorithm2} aka~\autoref{alg:algorithm2}
aka~\nameref{alg:algorithm2} aka~\cref{alg:algorithm2} aka~\sref{alg:algorithm2}.

\listof{kernel}{List Of Kernels}

\listof{algorithm}{List Of Algorithms}



  • 1
    Thanks, that's a great solution! I think my lack of knowledge about the inner workings of \label had me stumped here.
    – NordCoder
    Commented Apr 20, 2015 at 12:52

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