You could start by specifying the coordinates in 3D (obtained from Sacred Geometry):
\def \phi {1.617}
x={(-0.86in, -0.5in)}, y = {(0.86in, -0.5in)}, z = {(0, 1in)},
rotate = 22,
scale = 0.6,
every node/.style = {
circle, fill = blue!20, inner sep = 0pt, minimum size = 0.5cm
foreground/.style = { ultra thick },
background/.style = { dashed }
\coordinate (9) at (0, -\phi*\phi, \phi);
\coordinate (8) at (0, \phi*\phi, \phi);
\coordinate (12) at (0, \phi*\phi, -\phi);
\coordinate (5) at (0, -\phi*\phi, -\phi);
\coordinate (7) at ( \phi, 0, \phi*\phi);
\coordinate (3) at (-\phi, 0, \phi*\phi);
\coordinate (6) at (-\phi, 0, -\phi*\phi);
\coordinate (4) at ( \phi, 0, -\phi*\phi);
\coordinate (2) at ( \phi*\phi, \phi, 0);
\coordinate (10) at (-\phi*\phi, \phi, 0);
\coordinate (1) at (-\phi*\phi, -\phi, 0);
\coordinate (11) at ( \phi*\phi, -\phi, 0);
\draw[foreground] (10) -- (3) -- (8) -- (10) -- (12) -- (8);
\draw[foreground] (4) -- (12) -- (2) -- (4) -- (11) -- (2);
\draw[foreground] (9) -- (3) -- (7) -- (9) -- (11) -- (7);
\draw[foreground] (7) -- (8) -- (2) -- cycle;
\draw[background] (12) -- (6) -- (10) -- (1) -- (6) -- (5) -- (1)
-- (9) -- (5) -- (11);
\draw[background] (5) -- (4) -- (6);
\draw[background] (3) -- (1);
\foreach \n in {1,...,12}
\node at (\n) {\n};
Drawing the star is then just a matter of connecting up the correct coordinates. Unfortunately, this will get ugly since tikz doesn't do "real" 3D drawing. I got this far before I decided the result would end up just a mess of lines.
To do this right, you probably need a better 3D rendering engine, such as asymptote.
As requested, here's the code I used to draw the polyhedron above.
\def \phi {1.617}
x={(-0.86in, -0.5in)}, y = {(0.86in, -0.5in)}, z = {(0, 1in)},
rotate = 22,
scale = 0.6,
every node/.style = {
circle, fill = blue!20, inner sep = 0pt, minimum size = 0.5cm
foreground/.style = { ultra thick },
background/.style = { dashed }
\coordinate (9) at (0, -\phi*\phi, \phi);
\coordinate (8) at (0, \phi*\phi, \phi);
\coordinate (12) at (0, \phi*\phi, -\phi);
\coordinate (5) at (0, -\phi*\phi, -\phi);
\coordinate (7) at ( \phi, 0, \phi*\phi);
\coordinate (3) at (-\phi, 0, \phi*\phi);
\coordinate (6) at (-\phi, 0, -\phi*\phi);
\coordinate (4) at ( \phi, 0, -\phi*\phi);
\coordinate (2) at ( \phi*\phi, \phi, 0);
\coordinate (10) at (-\phi*\phi, \phi, 0);
\coordinate (1) at (-\phi*\phi, -\phi, 0);
\coordinate (11) at ( \phi*\phi, -\phi, 0);
\coordinate (13) at ( \phi, 0, 1 / \phi);
\coordinate (14) at (-\phi, 0, 1 / \phi);
\coordinate (15) at (-\phi, 0, -1 / \phi);
\coordinate (16) at ( \phi, 0, -1 / \phi);
\coordinate (17) at ( 1 / \phi, \phi, 0);
\coordinate (18) at ( 1 / \phi, -\phi, 0);
\coordinate (19) at (-1 / \phi, -\phi, 0);
\coordinate (20) at (-1 / \phi, \phi, 0);
\coordinate (21) at (0, 1 / \phi, \phi);
\coordinate (22) at (0, 1 / \phi, -\phi);
\coordinate (23) at (0, -1 / \phi, -\phi);
\coordinate (24) at (0, -1 / \phi, \phi);
\coordinate (25) at ( 1, 1, 1);
\coordinate (26) at ( 1, -1, 1);
\coordinate (27) at (-1, -1, 1);
\coordinate (28) at (-1, 1, 1);
\coordinate (29) at (-1, 1, -1);
\coordinate (30) at ( 1, 1, -1);
\coordinate (31) at ( 1, -1, -1);
\coordinate (32) at (-1, -1, -1);
\draw[background] (12) -- (6) -- (10) (1) -- (6) -- (5) -- (1)
(9) -- (5) -- (11);
\draw[background] (5) -- (4) -- (6);
(3) -- (27) (3) -- (14) (24) -- (27) -- (14) -- (28) -- (21) -- cycle
(14) -- (1) -- (27);
\draw[foreground] (10) -- (12) -- (8);
\draw[foreground] (4) -- (12) -- (2) -- (4) -- (11) -- (2);
\draw[foreground] (7) -- (11) -- (9);
\draw[foreground] (8) -- (2) -- (7);
\draw[foreground] (3) -- (24) (3) -- (21) (3) -- (28)
(10) -- (14) (27) -- (9) -- (8) -- (28) (24) -- (7) -- (10);