I'm plotting a convex frame as shown below, with the given MWE. Inside this frame, the idea is to plot additional functions to create an image. In order to avoid manually computing the domain restrictions for every function within the frame, it would be nice to simply clip (or in some other way restrict) these functions to my custom frame. (In the example below, this means that the dotted curve is not supposed to exceed the frame.) Does anyone know of a clever way to do this?
As you can see, I've tried using intersections, but I couldn't find a good solution. I've left the name definitions in the MWE in case you find them useful.
\begin{polaraxis}[samples=50,smooth,thick,axis lines=none]
% frame
% image plot example
Edit: I forgot to actually square the last term in the fraction, and it turns out this introduces a problem to Fritz's otherwise great solution. When the correct functions are used in Fritz's example, the paths are completely ignored, presumably because tikz
can't handle the mathematical expressions. They work just fine as plots in pgfplots
, however. Are there other solutions that don't have this problem?
Sorry for the mistake! Please excuse my absent-mindedness.