I have been trying to add my biography to a .tex file with \documentclass{article}. Is there a way to do that? Should I use a package for that?



\title{Introduction to \LaTeX{}} \author{Author's Name}


\begin{abstract} The abstract text goes here. \end{abstract}

\section{Introduction} Here is the introduction.

\subsection{Subsection Heading Here} Write your subsection text here.

\section{Conclusion} Write your conclusion here.


\begin{biography} Author 1 Bio \end{biography}

\begin{biography} Author 2 Bio \end{biography}
  • You can manually enter your bibliography, but a more powerful and flexible option is to use a bibtex database. I'd recommend using biblatex. See ctan.org/pkg/biblatex
    – Nigel
    Commented Sep 29, 2014 at 12:17
  • @penguinpreferred, biography \neq bibliography. I believe the OP is asking about adding a "biographical sketch" of sorts. Commented Sep 29, 2014 at 12:19
  • 2
    Depending on what you want the biography to look like, it should be pretty straight forward using a tabular or a description list. Can you give a hint on the expected output?
    – Johannes_B
    Commented Sep 29, 2014 at 12:31
  • 2
    Welcome to TeX.SX! Anything after \end{document} will be ignored. In many case just using a standard flushleft or flushright enviornment, perhaps with a small font size, will be sufficient. Some documentclasses provide specific environments for biographies, but there is not one in article Commented Sep 29, 2014 at 12:37
  • @Johannes_B, I am expecting to see Biographies of the authors at the end of the article. This is the second document I prepared by using LaTex, therefore I am not familiar to some things in LaTex. Thank you..
    – HByrm
    Commented Sep 29, 2014 at 13:01

4 Answers 4


You can use wrapfig package. The following is a minimum working example.



  \textbf{Author A} is a well-known author in the field of the journal scope. His/Her research interests include interest 1, interest 2.\par

enter image description here


Another possibility might be to use the description environment:



\title{Introduction to \LaTeX{}} \author{Author's Name}


\begin{abstract} The abstract text goes here. \end{abstract}

\section{Introduction} Here is the introduction.

\subsection{Subsection Heading Here} Write your subsection text here.

\section{Conclusion} Write your conclusion here.


    \item[Santa Claus] is a world-renowned expert on the psychology of giving and author of \emph{How to Raise Your Reindeer}.
    \item[The Tooth Fairy] has published widely on the commodification of children's body parts and the commercialisation of human imaginative capacities.

descriptive biographies


This is just one way; I have seen it done many different ways.

The \subsection*{} commands could be commented out if you prefer that look better.

\title{Introduction to \LaTeX{}} 
\author{Author's Name}


  The abstract text goes here. 

Here is the introduction.

\subsection{Subsection Heading Here} 
Write your subsection text here.

Write your conclusion here.

\section*{Authors' Biographies}
\subsection*{Author One}
\textbf{Author One} is an extraordinary researcher powered by caffeine and Red Bull.
He has written several incredible articles that will change your life forever.

\subsection*{Author Two}
\textbf{Author Two} is the Chief Duck Researcher at the National Wildlife Federation.
He has contributed to extensive research studying the migration patterns of duck 
species all over the globe.


enter image description here


Following from sisay, if you want to include a picture, then use picins and the following:

\section*{Author biographies}
\noindent {\bf Author Name} is the most famous author in her field. 
She is particularly interested in X and Y, and also dabbles in Z.

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