I am trying to cite this British Standard in my Thesis, however using the usual @keysdoesn't really seem to help make it clear, is there a more practical way to do this as it doesn't really fall into any typical category?

,   author  = {British-Standard-Institution}
,   title   = {Part 2: Determination of density and porosity}
,   journal = {Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. Gerneral and textural properties.}
,   year    = {1993}
,   pages   = {1--16}
,   isbn    = {0580217728}
,   publisher   = {BSI}
,   institution = {British-Standard-Institution}
  • 2
    Unless you are following a specific style guide for citations (The Chicago Manual of Style does have a category for government documents), I would treat it as a book. The author is the standardization organization; the title is the full title as it appears on the title page; the standard number is either part of the title or gets a custom field like a series number; the location of publication is the headquarters of the standardization organization unless another place is specified on the title page; and the publisher is the standardization organization again. Commented Sep 30, 2014 at 15:25
  • @AndrewCashner thank you for your input, so there is no right way to go about it, the best thing is to state it in a way that shows all the detail without breaking the citation style. I am using IEEE as my style for now but I will go ahead and try it. Thank you for you help, I will update later.
    – Fiztban
    Commented Sep 30, 2014 at 16:50

5 Answers 5


I've found a really useful example here.

Here's the code:

type = {Standard},
key = {ISO 13586:2000(E)},
month = mar,
year = {2000},
title = {{Plastics -- Determination of fracture toughness -- Linear elastic fracture mechanics ({LEFM}) approach}},
volume = {2000},
address = {Geneva, CH},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization}

And it outputs something like this:

ISO 13586:2000(E) (2000). Plastics – Determination of fracture toughness – Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) approach. Standard, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, CH.

Hope it helps.

  • 8
    I think putting ISO-13586:2000(E) as author is better. example found here
    – Foad
    Commented May 1, 2018 at 15:20
  • 3
    What does the volume mean in this case? Commented Dec 6, 2020 at 22:39
  • 1
    The link posted by @Foad is now dead. The most recent archived version can be found here, and seems to contain the cited example.
    – drmuelr
    Commented Mar 22 at 21:04

After a lot of investigation I'm using this schema:

address = {Geneva, CH},
type = {Standard},
title = {Systems and software engineering -- {Lifecycle} profiles for {Very} {Small} {Entities} ({VSEs}) -- {Part} 1: {Overview}},
shorttitle = {{ISO}/{IEC} {TR} 29110-1:2016},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/62711.html},
language = {en},
number = {ISO/IEC TR 29110-1:2016},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization},
author = {{ISO Central Secretary}},
year = {2016}

You can compare details with the official info: https://www.iso.org/standard/62711.html

I have another example using RIS format too.

Hope it helps


According to Sec. 17.2. (page 29) of the IEEE Style Guide, the bibtex style @techreport seems to be the most versatile fit, maintaining traceability within the text regarding LaTeX citation style and maintaining compatibility to bibtex and biber backends.

As suggested by Foad, put the standard number into the author field in {...} to maintain capitals and to prevent abbreviation. I format the number according to the template {Organisation Number-Part:Year}, for example:

{ISO/IEC 42010-3:2000}

This one is applicable for a range of standards, though, not all. (I have been using @misc in the past but have changed. Unfortunately, biber's @standard style is incompatible with bibtex and the latter is required for some journals.)

For alternative formatings, see here.


This question is old but i am currently facing exactly the same problem. I tried the described solutions but they did not work for me. I am not an expert but i would suggest the following:

    author      = {International Organization for Standardization},
    year        = {2015},
    title       = {Road vehicles - Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling: Part 1: Definitions and general considerations},
    address     = {Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland},
    edition     = {{ISO 7637-1:2015(E)}},
    publisher   = {International Organization for Standardization},
    url         = {https://www.iso.org/standard/63098.html},

My output:

Citing ISO with book

  • 1
    Thank you for the contribution. Using book was indeed recommended by the first comment in my question. Using other keys may be required based on the style being used so that the end citation fits.
    – Fiztban
    Commented Mar 17, 2021 at 20:44

For British Standards, I found guides for referencing with Harvard or APA styles, but these might only apply for British theses.

Nevertheless, according to the guides the @book category is the most suitable:

  author    = {British Standard Institution},
  title     = {BS EN 197--1:2011: Cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements},
  year      = {2011},
  publisher = {BSI Standards Limited},
  address   = {London},
  url       = {https://bsol-bsigroup-com.proxy.lib.strath.ac.uk/PdfViewer/Viewer?pid=000000000030391002},
  note      = "Accessed: 30/03/2021"

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