I can plot functions with numbers using pgfplots but how can I plot something like the next image?
The curved part corresponds to an exponential with negative argument.
I can plot functions with numbers using pgfplots but how can I plot something like the next image?
The curved part corresponds to an exponential with negative argument.
\draw[->] (-1,0) -- (5,0) node [below] {$t$};
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,4.5) node [left] {$v(t)$};
\draw [domain=-1:0, scale=1,red,very thick] plot (\x,1);
\draw [domain=0:5, scale=1,red,very thick] plot (\x,{3*(1-exp(-\x))+1});
\draw [domain=0:5, scale=1, dashed,blue] plot (\x,4);
\node[right] at (0,1) {$V_0$} ;
\node[left] at (0,4) {$V_s$} ;