After see the Andrew Swann solution to my previous question: How to fit this table in a page? I tried to fit it to another table:
\caption{Temario de actividades Secundaria} \\
\textsc{Horario} & \textsc{Ejercicio} & \textsc{Grado de riesgo} & \textsc{Material}\\
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textsc{\tablename~\thetable}\enspace (continuación)}\\
\textsc{Horario} & \textsc{Ejercicio} & \textsc{Grado de riesgo} & \textsc{Material}\\
{\normalsize Día 1} & Bienvenida Encuadre Tema:Acuerdos de convivencia Ejercicios psicométricos & 1 & Pelota de esponja \emph{Brincón} Ejercicios psicométricos. Guía Eureka (Ver Anexo)\\
{\normalsize Día 2} & Ejercicios psicométricos & 0 & Ejercicios psicométricos. Guía Eureka\\
{\normalsize Día 3} & Ejercicios psicométricos & 0 & Ejercicios psicométricos\\
{\normalsize Día 4} & Examen simulacro de ejercicios psicométricos en equipo & 0 & Ejercicios psicométricos. Guía verde actualizada 2000 (Ver Anexo).\\
{\normalsize Día 5} & EXAMEN DE CONOCIMIENTOS GENERALES & & \\
Well, that's the table I need to do, but I'm not sure how to do it well. My first doubt is about the column statement, from my previous question and other solutions I saw I adapted this:
As I need 5 columns, I understand that the table has 3 left aligned columns, later another not justified (RaggedRight) and a final X column, am I right? But I'm not sure about it. The code in ll*{3}{>{\RaggedRight\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}X}
is hard to understand for me, could someone explain me?
After the comments and the answer I made few corrections in the table, I saw that a a column had not sense. But the layout of the table is awful. How can I fix it? Is there a way to list or separate the text in a cell if I need a list and not a paragraph?