Let me get to the point:

\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\settowidth\longest{\huge\itshape just as his inclination leads him;}
  Influenza is something unique. It behaves epidemiologically in a way different from that of any other known infection.
  \raggedleft\Large\textsc{Sir Christopher Howard Andrewes}\par%

the \textsc won't make "Margaret Chan" in small caps, though... Can anyone help me?

Extra note: pretty convinced of it that Times New Roman supports small caps ;)


1 Answer 1


Times New Roman doesn't come with small caps, if you look in the log file you will see a message to that effect. You can provide small caps from a similar font as follows:

\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont={TeX Gyre Termes},
  SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps}]{Times New Roman}

Sample output

\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont={TeX Gyre Termes},
  SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps}]{Times New Roman}

\settowidth\longest{\huge\itshape just as his inclination leads him;}

    Influenza is something unique. It behaves epidemiologically in a
    way different from that of any other known infection.  
  \raggedleft\Large\textsc{Sir Christopher Howard Andrewes}\par%


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