How could I draw lines (like those in a tabular environment drawn by \hline and |c|c|c| in the following code?

        x_0 \ar[dr]    & x_1 \ar[d] \ar[dr] & x_2 \ar[d]   \\
        \sum(x_0..x_0) & \sum(x_0..x_1)     & \sum(x_1..x_2)\\

For some reason, I can't compile the document if I use *F{argument} in order to draw a box around each element.

To make more clear who ideally the output would be:

\begin{tabular}{| c| c| c|}
    x_0& x_1& x_2\\ \hline

followed by the arrows.

1 Answer 1


Please provide a minimal example. You have to use the syntax: *+[F]{<argument>}

        *+[F]{x_0} \ar[dr]    & x_1 \ar[d] \ar[dr] & x_2 \ar[d]   \\
        \sum(x_0..x_0) & \sum(x_0..x_1)     & \sum(x_1..x_2)\\

You can set the frame global:

        x_0 \ar[dr]    & x_1 \ar[d] \ar[dr] & x_2 \ar[d]   \\
        \sum(x_0..x_0) & \sum(x_0..x_1)     & \sum(x_1..x_2)\\

enter image description here

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