I'm using the {threeparttable}
package because I want to use table notes, but I'm having a problem resizing my tables. If I use {adjustbox}
to enclose {tabular}
(or {tabularx}
), I get an error message:
! You can't use `\hrule' here except with leaders. \caption@hrule ->\hrule \@height \z@ l.23 \end{tabular}}
The same applies if I use \resizebox
or \scalebox
at the same point in the code.
If I use {adjustbox}
and enclose {threeparttable}
, the code runs, but the fontsize of the caption and table note are also scaled down...
... which is not what I want!
Does anyone know a way to resize the table font only when using package {threeparttable}
\usepackage[a4paper, bindingoffset=0.5cm, tmargin=2.4cm, bmargin=3.4cm, lmargin=3.5cm, rmargin=2.5cm, footskip=2.4cm]{geometry}
This is some text which refers to Table~\ref{tab:Table}
% \begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
\caption{Table caption.}
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
Item & Col 2 & Col 3 & Col 4 & Col 5 & Col 6 & Col 7 & Col 8 & Col 9 & Col 10 & Col 11 \\
Some sort of stuff\tnote{a} & 107.5 & 5.62 & 89.1 & \num{14367.7} & 3.4 & 21.9 & 112.6 & \num{18644} & 432.4 & 17 \\
\item[a] This sort of stuff is only available in winter.
% \end{adjustbox}
Some more text.