I am writing my minor thesis which includes a number of tikz figures, which are all listed in a table of figures.

the table of figures gives the figure number, and then the title of the figure, as given by the caption.

the way i have put them into my document is in the following manner:

% ----------------
\caption{Feed-forward neural network - The red line indicates the path a signal travels from input node $x_2$ to output node $y_4$.}

My problem is that the whole caption is being printed in the list of figures, and i would like it only to have "Feed-forward neural network" in the list of figures.

I would be greatly appreciative if someone could explain to me how i can separate the figure title from extended description.


  • 3
    I'm not sure what do you mean with separate the figure title from extended description, but if I understood your question, caption has an option for a shorter caption. From your example above: \caption[Feed-forward neural network]{Feed-forward neural network - The red line indicates the path a signal travels from input node $x_2$ to output node $y_4$.}, so in that way in the list of figures you only see Feed-forward neural network or the short caption you want.
    – Aradnix
    Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 8:04
  • thanks so much for that, that is exactly what i wanted to know!
    – guskenny83
    Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 8:11
  • Didn't notice the comment already solved the question when I submitted my answer. My bad.
    – altabq
    Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 8:31

1 Answer 1


You can define separate captions for the caption itself and the list of figures. Using \caption, the content of the [] brackets is displayed in the list of figures, the content of the {} brackets is displayed under the figure. So,

 \caption[Feed-forward neural network]{Feed-forward neural network - The red line indicates the path a signal travels from input node $x_2$ to output node $y_4$}

With extensive descriptions, I recommend using notes below the figures instead of extensive captions, however. Here's examples for tables and figures.

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