Is there a neater way to place date on the front matter (elsarticle document class)?
\usepackage{pifont}% for openstar in the title footnotes;
\usepackage{natbib}% for citation processing;
\usepackage{geometry}% for margin settings;
\usepackage{fleqn}% for left aligned equations;
\usepackage{graphicx}% for graphics inclusion;
\usepackage{txfonts}% optional font package, if the document is to be formatted with Times and compatible math fonts;
\title{Random title\tnoteref{t1}}
\tnotetext[t1]{Very preliminary and incomplete. All errors remain our own.}
\author[jd]{John Doe}
\author[jnd]{Jane Doe}
\address[jd]{John Doe's University}
\address[jnd]{Jane Doe's University\vskip 18pt \textnormal{\today}}
does not work?elsarticle
allows formaketitle
. See…frontmatter
just callsmaketitle