I would like a table and circuitikz diagram to appear to the left and right of one another, but I can't seem to get it to work with subfigures or subtables. What gives? Here's one of the ways I tried to get it to work. The table just ends up below the diagram.
\begin{circuitikz} \draw
(0,-1) to[battery] (0,2)
to[ammeter] (4,2) -- (4,-1)
to[resistor] (0,-1)
(0.5,-1) -- (0.5,-2)
to[voltmeter] (3.5,-2) -- (3.5,-1)
Current & Voltage Drop \\
(mA) & (mV) \\ \midrule
500 & 198 \\
1000 & 381 \\
1500 & 581 \\
2000 & 824 \\
2500 & 904 \\
3000 & 1169 \\ \bottomrule