I'm considering moving from tkz-berge
to the new tikz graph library
for drawing my graphs (in the sense of graph theory). I have produced
the Petersen graph, but is there is a more elegant way of
coding it? I'm specifically interested in a way to avoid having to
define a new counter.
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw,circle,very thick}]
\graph[clockwise, radius=2cm] {subgraph C_n [n=5,name=A]};
\graph[clockwise, radius=1cm] {subgraph I_n [n=5,name=B]};
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4,5}{\draw (A \i) -- (B \i);}
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4,5}{%
\draw (B \i) -- (B \thej);
as in the third solution, but the\graph
macro from the new tikz graph library numbers the vertices starting from 1 and not from 0, hence my use of a new counter that I am trying to avoid.