Because of a previous question of mine regarding how can someone typeset a mathematical document I understood that the best way is to make every customization globally. Having tried it I think that this is indeed the best way. But I have a problem with parskip
package. When I try to change the vertical space between the paragraphs automatically also changes the vertical space between the hline
and the paragraph below it (under sections, subsections etc I use \hline
to separate the title from the text below it) and also the space between the items in an itemize
environment. I have not yet tried it extensively so I can only guess that there would be more undesirable side-effects. I have found a lot of similar questions regarding environments like itemize but not how to prevent parskip
mess up every other vertical space. How can I make the changes in parskip
not to affect other spaces rather than the space between two paragraphs?
%Package unicode-math loads fontspec too
%Math fonts
\section{Θεωρία Συνόλων}
Για τις πράξεις ανάμεσα σε ενδεχόμενα ισχύουν:
\item η αντιμεταθετική
\item η προσεταιριστική
\item η επιμεριστική
Θεωρούμε ότι έχουμε $n$ ενδεχόμενα.
Η ένωση τους είναι ένα ενδεχόμενο που εμφανίζεται όταν εμφανιστεί τουλάχιστον ένα από αυτά.
Η τομή τους είναι ένα ενδεχόμενο που εμφανίζεται όταν εμφανιστούν όλα μαζί.
Ασυμβίβαστα ανά δύο ονομάζονται $n$ ενδεχόμενα όταν η εμφάνιση του ενός αποκλείει την εμφάνιση οποιουδήποτε άλλου:
A_{i}\cap A_{j}=\varnothing
\subsection{Κανόνες De Morgan}
Οι κανόνες De Morgan είναι:
(A\cup B)'&=A'\cap B'\\
(A\cap B)'&=A'\cup B'
. I'll tell you this every time I'll see the wrong instruction.parskip
and (if you want underlined section titles) redefine the section format to put them in (while compensating for any positive value of\parskip
package can help with section heading formatting.\everymath{\displaystyle}
you'll upset @egreg and hurt the eyes of any readers of the document:-)