I am writing a research essay for a scholarship that has a two page limit. However, the bibliography spills over onto a third page. I am trying to find a way to make it so that each citation in the bibliography does not start on a new line. This would be sufficient to fit into my page limit.

I am using natbib, bibtex and \documentclass{amsart} but have not found a styling option to compress the bibliography in this manner.

I can give further information, but honestly, do not know what else could be useful in knowing what is out there to solve my problem.


  • If I understand correctly then my advice would be to make the rest of the document to fit in the limit and leave the bibliography alone. At least don't do what you are suggesting. It is already difficult to read a proper bibliography as it has so many entries. Imagine what it would be to mess with it! Also I don't know if this even an acceptable bibliography style...
    – Adam
    Commented Oct 29, 2014 at 3:24
  • 1
    Possible duplicate: Squeeze some more lines on the current page
    – Werner
    Commented Oct 29, 2014 at 4:42

1 Answer 1


Here is a simple hack (more tweaking is needed to obtain a more usable outcome, in particular if the natbib numbers option is used).





\cite{test} and \cite{test2}

\bibitem[Author(1999)]{test} Author (1999). Title. 
\bibitem[Buthor(2000)]{test2} Buthor (2000). Btitle.


enter image description here

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