Is there a way to make reference not emphasized in proposition ?

For propositions I used the standart AMS packages, so everything is emphasized in it. Thus, when I insert a reference, it also displays an emphasized number, i.e. "(1)". But I don't want it to be emhpasized. Now of course I could use \emph{\ref{...}} inside to proposition so that the two emphaszing command annihilate each other and the reference is displayed as "(1)", but I wouldn't want to do that, since it a big document that gets tedious.

  • When asking questions it is better to provide a full minimal working example (MWE) both in order to demonstrate what you are trying to do and to help others help you. The MWE should look like \documentclass...\begin{document}...\end{document}, it should compile and contain close to the minimal amount of code needed to explain/demonstrate what you are asking. This saves a lot of time for everyone.
    – user30471
    Commented Nov 3, 2014 at 11:58
  • 1
    For equations, use \eqref{} without (). It will be automatically inserted.
    – Sigur
    Commented Nov 3, 2014 at 12:02

2 Answers 2


This is as easy as \usepackage{upref}




  This is an important result.

  This result is not as important as~\ref{T:One}.

Here is a normal \ref{T:One}.

enter image description here

  • Thanks, both your and Andrew solution solve the problem for ref - but the problem is unfortunaley more involved as I see now, since I actually use LyX, not LaTeX right now, and LyX somehow can't use eqref - and the solution from this answer unfortunately doesn't work: bit.ly/1wYaLFh as it produces an error. So when I want paranthesis around, LyX actually uses (\ref{...}). By your solution then 1 displays perfectly non-emphasized, but the paranthesis are still emphasized. Is there a way to also make the paranthesis non-emphasized (or ideally get Lyx to use \eqref ?
    – l7ll7
    Commented Nov 3, 2014 at 20:38
  • 1
    @user10324 If LyX doesn't allow \eqref the route is simple: abandon it. Sorry, but the tools should serve people not the contrary.
    – egreg
    Commented Nov 3, 2014 at 20:39

I'm a little confused by your question because \ref{} will produce 1 with emphasis, but without brackets (1), whereas \eqref{} produces (1) without emphasis. That is, neither of them will lead to (1) being typeset with emphasis... perhaps this is a function of the other packages that you are using? (This is one of the reasons why it is good to always supply a minimal working example .)

As \eqref{} already does what you want I'll show one way of making \ref{} print 1 without using emphasis. You said that you were using AMS packages so I have used amsart as the documentclass. In this case theorem are, ultimately, produced by \@begintheorem so I redefine this so that it defines \ref to remove (or rather add) emphasis inside a theorem-ike environment.

Here is some example output:

enter image description here

and here is the code:


\makeatletter% we need this to change the definition of \@begintheorem
\let\real@begintheorem=\@begintheorem% save real AMS theorem environment
    \real@begintheorem{#1}{#2}[#3]% start the theorem
    \def\ref##1{\emph{\real@ref{##1}}}% overwrite \ref INSIDE a theormem



  This is an important result.

  This result is not as important as~\ref{T:One}.

Here is a normal \ref{T:One}.

Of course, we could instead use the \patchcmd from etoolbox to change \@begintheorem but this will end up doing much the same thing as above (after first loading a lot of the commands).

  • Thanks, both your and egregs solution solve the problem for ref - but the problem is unfortunaley more involved as I see now, since I actually use LyX, not LaTeX right now, and LyX somehow can't use eqref - and the solution from this answer unfortunately doesn't work: bit.ly/1wYaLFh as it produces an error. So when I want paranthesis around, LyX actually uses (\ref{...}). By your solution then 1 displays perfectly non-emphasized, but the paranthesis are still emphasized. Is there a way to also make the paranthesis non-emphasized (or ideally get Lyx to use \eqref ?
    – l7ll7
    Commented Nov 3, 2014 at 20:37
  • @user10324 Sorry, but I don't have LyX installed, and I don't use, so I can't advise. Of course, you should have mentioned this on your initial post...
    – user30471
    Commented Nov 3, 2014 at 22:00
  • Yes, I know, sorry :(
    – l7ll7
    Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 9:20

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